Saturday, December 31, 2011

TOR Poll: Mitt Romney on top in Florida

GOP Nomination:

Mitt Romney 27%
Newt Gingrich 26%
Ron Paul 5%
Michele Bachmann 4%
Rick Perry 4%
Jon Huntsman 1%
Rick Santorum 1%
Undecided 31%
A telephone survey of 780 Republican voters, conducted from Dec. 15-19.
The full story is HERE.

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    Remember when Huntsy was gonna shine in Florida? :-D



    How Mitt Romney is an Obama Trap for the GOP/
    If Mitt Romney gets the nomination for the GOP, it could become a GUARANTEED loss of the election. We are all tired of the Republican and Democrat Establishment choosing our presidential choices, and we all never see the change America needs. Rick Perry is a genuine reformer that America needs.

    63 Reasons Rick Perry Should be President

    Obama is the absolute worse president in US History and his socialism puts America on track with the failed economies of Greece and Italy. Obama is a puppet president being controlled by the socialist atheist billionaire, George Soros. All Democrats are Corrupt and Dirty. They are all members and contributors of Organized Crime. Obama hates America but loves using America's military resources to expand the Terrorist affiliated group's (the Muslim Brotherhood's)Islamic Agenda of Global Sharia Law.

    The reason they hate Rick Perry so much is because he does not fit into their end game strategy. Too many among republican establishment are largely Democrats in Disguise who have the habit of picking losers. ie. McCain, Dole and others.

    The American people are sick and tired of their elections being manipulated by the rich and powerful socialist interests of the world like Russia and China. America is tired of the nation being lead by ninnies, sissy men, and those who have no executive experience puppets (like Obama) Perry is a real man and has the boldness to stand up for America!

    Thinking people vote Rick Perry, because they refuse to re-elect a commander in chief, Obama, who STILL has Zero Executive Experience and has brought America to ruin while placating to wishes of the Muslim brother's agenda of Global Sharia law and Islamic Extremism. Now that same Obama has trick the unaware college student to support him again to the point of selling-out their nations future.

    Obama: The Unknown Islamic Presidential Puppet

    Islamic Extremists Infiltrate US Government

    Rick Perry is THE ONLY SOLID CANDIDATE THAT WOULD PUT AMERICA FIRST. I WISH PEOPLE'S EYES WERE OPENED. Right now America MUST make drastic changes to reverse the damage Obama and the democrats have caused. But don't take my word for it, just listen to the actual fiscal conditions of America from the research of Conservative thinker and columnist, Mark Stein.

    How a Democrat and Socialist Progressive Agenda and Direction is Destroying America

