Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rasmussen: Gingrich Leads Obama Nationally

There goes Romney's 'electability' argument.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters finds Gingrich attracting 45% of the vote while President Obama earns support from 43%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.
Pollman has more data HERE


  1. This is sad that people like Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Romney are supposedly the most electable of the lot.

  2. This only means most people haven't heard the finer points of Newt's personal life.

  3. Maybe Generation Y and D do not know Mr. Gingrich' finer points, but anybody generation X and older is well aware.

  4. Lets see how long it lasts.

    Romney's numbers have been consistent in this area.

  5. Yeah, get back to me when you another poll besides Rasmussen. I want to see a trend.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When we don't like what polls say, just trash the pollster. Kinda like Pollman used to do.

  8. Cain and Paul were both over Obama via Rasmussen polls these last few months. It's called a peak. Comes right between two valleys.

    Romney is steady. Gingrich is not.

    We should elect Romney.

  9. OJ--

    Save Gallup and Rasmussen, most of them aren't that credible. I do credit Rasmussen with a greater degree of accuracy, so yes, at the moment this lends some credibility to Gingrich.

    But I reiterate my point from above: he won't sustain this lead. The worst thing for Gingrich right now is scrutiny--especially if people abandoned Cain over adultery.

  10. If I recall Cain was ahead of Gingrich at some point as well. I hope people actually really look up Gingrich's voting record in Congress and study his actions,ethics, and history. If they do they will see he is Big Government all of the way and he is NO conservative.

    I am a Romney supporter because of his 25 years of restructuring businesses and his history of fiscal conservatism in reducing debt in MA,corporations and the Olympics. Romney knows business and economics and I like his views on China. What was Clinton's saying in 92-"It is the economy stupid!"

    If people want a pure conservative they should vote for Bachman or Santorum. Personally I think Bachman is my 2nd choice behind Romney.

  11. "he won't sustain this lead." That could very well be the case, but Ras remains a good pollster. In is a much better pollster than the clowns at Dickinson University.

  12. wow, congrats newt. One poll compared to many others with mitt leading obama

  13. I don't believe the way..a few weeks ago Rasmussen had Cain beating Obama.

  14. RWN,

    I'm glad you're stepping up to the plate on these polls that have Gingrich ahead.

    LIKE YOU, I only like to post polls that I AGREE WITH THE RESULTS ON and not outliers.

    Don't fret though, You're work won't be hard for that long.

    I'm sure all the ABR folks who frequent this site are all holding their breath for your upcoming poll posts.


  15. Bos, Don't expect me to post a lot of polls. The posts are too tedious and time consuming.

  16. Interesting that Gallup is a $ 200,000 per year Charter Member of Gingrich's health care Think Tank since 2003.

