Monday, November 28, 2011

New National Poll: Gingrich Opens Up A 9 Point Lead On Romney

This poll was conducted last night, so Newt's immigration positions are fully accounted for.
Newt Gingrich’s surge to the top of the GOP presidential race has given him a nine-percent lead over long-time frontrunner Mitt Romney.

In the first national scientific public opinion poll since Gingrich garnered a key New Hampshire newspaper endorsement, likely 2012 Republican primary and caucus voters favored Gingrich over Romney by a 32%-23% margin, with Herman Cain at 14%, Ron Paul at 6%, Rick Perry 5%, Michele Bachmann 4%, Jon Huntsman 3%, someone else at 4%, and no opinion at 11%.

Conducted last night, the poll of 499 registered voters nationwide who said they’d vote in their state’s Republican primary or caucus has a margin of error of +/- 4%.
Read more HERE


  1. If Newt gets the nomination, it won't matter much how good he is at a debate with Obama. For starters, Newt will be short, pudgy, and frumpy next to Obama. Then there's the whole I'm right and smarter than you tone he projects. These things could be overcome but they wouldn't because they'd be intensified negatively knowing Newt's personal history. The air of hypocrisy will linger and anything he says will be taken as such.

    Mitt doesn't have any of those distrations. There's an air of respectability about him, not because of anything he tries to project, but because viewers know and respect how he's handled his personal life. That's a huge start in entrusting someone with how to fix the economy.

  2. Anon,

    Newt is "short and pudgy' next to Mitt too. Why isn't Mitt winning?

  3. It is a crying shame that a person with so little integrity is preferred by anyone over Mitt Romney.

    Romney stood by his wife throughout her battle with MS, as well as her battle with cancer.

    Romney has executive experience in the private sector, as the CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics, and as governor of MA.

    Romney has started companies, he has turned around companies that were failing, and he personally created thousands upon thousands of jobs.

    Romney has not only balanced a budget, he did so with his starting position being a nearly $3 billion deficit. When he left office the budget was balanced, and there was a $2 billion rainy day fund.

    Romney has successfully worked with an overwhelming majority of democrats to move very liberal Massachusetts into a more conservative direction.

    Under his executive leadership MA enjoyed low unemployment. Prior to his governorship MA was shedding jobs at an alarming rate. During his governorship Massachusetts was able to attract hundreds of new companies, and tens of thousands of new jobs. And unemployment declined steadily throughout his tenure.

    There are certainly some valid criticism of Mitt, but when I look at the whole picture, it is impossible for me to comprehend how any of the other GOP candidates comes even close to Romney's credentials. As I have said before, if we are lucky enough and wise enough to nominate Mitt Romney, and then elect him, I am confident that this country will be better off economically and financially than before. I can't say the same thing about any of the other candidates. They may have the right goals, but do not bring the wealth of knowledge, and more importantly experience, that Romney brings.

    Gingrich, for all of his smarts, is untrustworthy, and has no real experience in creating jobs. His infidelity toward his family, coupled with the excuse "There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate" makes him unworthy of my support for the nomination.

    Romney loves America too, he works hard too, and he manages to be true to his wife and family.

  4. I wonder when folks will start asking Newt why he kept the $ 37 MM the pharmaceutical companies paid his Think Tank " The Center for Health Transformation " for advocating health care mandates as in " anyone who earns more than $ 50,000 per year MUST purchase health care insurance or post a bond "as part of Newt's plan called " INSURE ALL AMERICANS "or the $ 200,000 annual fess for
    " Access to Newt " or "Direct Newt Interaction " or the $ 30,000 per HOUR fee paid by Freddie Mac for advice. Some advice !


  5. I don't know why Newt is ahead, maybe the pollsters called the wrong people. It doesn't change what Newt has done simply because the pollsters says he's ahead now. What the polls actual say they are uninformed. There are two more debates, an open interview with Huckabee and we'll see what happens after that. Maybe the party will wake up.

  6. Good for Newtie and his current cutie! They'll never see the inside of the white house without an invite, but heck, so long as Romney's not elected - that's the goal, right? Let me see... OBAMA or Romney... which could possibly be the lesser of the two evils? Obama, of course. Why? who knows. We just know that we can't have someone who has ever ever ever changed positions and not changed back.

  7. I guess this means that a lot of conservatives, or at least Republicans want to see Obama get a second term.


  8. I looked at RCP and some other places that show polls and this poll is not on any of them. I am wondering just how legit it is. We will know in time.

  9. "Romney stood by his wife throughout her battle with MS, as well as her battle with cancer." Just because he is a good husband does not mean he'd make a good President.

  10. "I guess this means that a lot of conservatives, or at least Republicans want to see Obama get a second term." You are right; Romneyites want 8 more years of Obamaism.

  11. OJ, did you read the rest of my post? I went on to enumerate several more factors that I believe contribute to why I think Mitt would be a good President. And standing by his wife and family in times of crisis illustrate not just being a good husband, but also being a good man. Something that Mr. Gingrich lacks.

  12. I think character matters in a president. The real issue for many voters is Mitt's religion. Apparently, many people will vote religion over character. Too bad. If he does not get nominated, it is the Republican party's loss.

  13. RW, Mitt IS winning. One national poll does not negate the fact that the primary is won state by state. Read the state polls and weep. The national polls are more easily manipulated. It's only in your dreams that Mitt is not winning. Also, since you are such a political junkie that you call yourself "nut," it seems that you should be in possession of the real facts in the case of Mitt Romney. The way that you go on searching for anybody but Romnney and misrepresenting him-- when he clearly has the strongest resume, including integrity and consistency, and also is clearly polling the strongest against Obama--, is very telling of who you are.

  14. Mitt Romney will win the nomination regardless if a few polls here and there occasionally show others in the lead. When the dust settles and the general election is held count on the candidate being Mitt Romney. His combination of private business and government administration experience are the key factors in this election.
    No one else comes close.
