Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rick Perry blames God for the bad economy and America's lack of Biblical Principles

Here is Rick Perry in a recent interview with James Robison:

Wow, you learn something every day. I didn't know our economic woes were the result of America moving away from it's "Biblical Principles".

I guess a President Perry would rely more on scheduled prayer events, rather than working on actual economic policies to bring us out of the mess we're in. And here I thought that our problems were caused by things like greed, irresponsibility, and bad investments. Boy was I wrong. I didn't realize it was God just trying to make a point.

Hey Mitt and Jon, don't bother rolling out your jobs plans for America. Rick's got it all figured out.

Let me make one final thing perfectly clear. I'm not knocking the man's faith or belief system. My problem is that I don't believe he knows or has any intention of drawing a line between church and state. I believe his history demonstrates that he believes they go hand in hand. Now THAT'S A PROBLEM! One that won't win a general election.

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  1. Exactly, Bos. And not only that, Perry seems to believe that he's the chosen one.


  2. So why is Utah's economy flourishing? Hardly any evangelicals in Utah.

  3. Because of our work ethic, Dan? And it's not 'flourishing' but it is doing better than most states.

  4. This guy reminds me of someone like Pat Robertson or an Oral Roberts he just is making his career using Religion to propel himself all the way to the Presidency. What a pandering hypocrite!

  5. Amen, Bruce. He's definitely "pandering". He's already had his prayer rally/"revival" to help him politically with the evangelicals.

    It is certainly "taking advantage" of another candidate whose religion is not accepted by his evagelical religion.

    I believe America NEEDS to be better. I believe our lack of morals and religion (real, not just the verbage) hurt a country like ours. (The Constitution written for a moral and religious people.) But Perry's use of religion to promote himself politically is something all wise voters should be sure to place a "flag" of warning on.

  6. Keeping government out of religion, while still preventing its encroachment on religious rights is the best way to preserve religion in our country. State religions fail. Keeping religion separate from politics is imperative if we are to encourage religion among our people.

    The only exception is moral issues, which are often viewed as political, but which have a huge impact on society and religion.

