Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quinnipiac Poll: Obama and Romney are Tied


Mitt Romney 45%
Barack Obama 45%

Barack Obama 45%
Rick Perry 42%

Barack Obama 48%
Michele Bachmann 39%

Barack Obama 51%
Sarah Palin 37%

GOP Nomination:

(Without Palin)

Rick Perry 26%
Mitt Romney 20%
Michele Bachmann 12%
Ron Paul 10%
Herman Cain 5%
Newt Gingrich 4%
Rick Santorum 2%
Jon Huntsman 1%
Thad McCotter 1%
Undecided 19%

(With Palin)

Rick Perry 24%
Mitt Romney 18%
Sarah Palin 11%
Michele Bachmann 10%
Ron Paul 9%
Herman Cain 5%
Newt Gingrich 3%
Rick Santorum 1%
Jon Huntsman 1%
Thad McCotter 1%
Undecided 16%
The survey was conducted from August 16 - 27, Quinnipiac University surveyed 2,730 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 1.9 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The Republican primary included 1,185 voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percent.

The crosstabs can be viewed HERE.

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  1. Even better, Romney is 8 % ahead of Perry with Independents and leads Obama by 6 %. But, of course, many will still favor running rather than winning


  2. Looks like a Pro-Bachmann super pac has taken out an ad in South Carolina hammering Perry for doubling the size of government in Texas and running up the debt.

    Soon the mask will start to peel away....

    Watch the ad at Politico.


    POLITICO's Molly Ball reports that the pro-Bachmann super PAC "Keep
    Conservatives United" says it's airing this anti-Rick Perry ad in South Carolina, a spot that takes aim at the Texas governor's spending record and hits him with this: "He's supposed to be the Tea Party guy?"
