Monday, July 25, 2011

Ode to Sarah Palin Supporters

H/T to Martha

"We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway, yay
And I wonder if I'm really with you now
Or just chasin' after some finer day...."


Martha made a comment in a Right Speak thread about the Pay-Per-View/DVD release of the documentary about Palin, "The Undefeated". As expected, the Palin supporters over-hyped the release by disregarding the fact that the movie did lousy in it's limited release in theaters even with Palin supporters getting emails begging them to purchase as many tickets as they could afford.

What was sad about Martha's comment, was that it was so true. Palin has some of the most loyal and steadfast supporters that most candidates would die for. Yet my gut feeling is, that they are being played by Palin like a ukulele.

Here is Martha's comment:
You just wait. We've always being told to just wait, and we'll see Palin take the world by storm.
You just wait, this movie is going to be huge and change everyone's perception of Palin.
You just wait, until Palin can speak for herself and isn't controlled by McCain.
You just wait, this 'documentary' is going to make everyone fall in love with Sarah Palin.
You just wait until Palin jumps into the race. She'll immediately dispatch all the other candidates.
Well, we're still waiting for all of it. Sarah Palin obviously knows by now whether she's running or not. If she's not, shame on her for leading her fans on 6 months longer than necessary. If she is, I look forward to one GIANT LAST FLOP.
I agree with Martha in that If she decides not to run, then the false hope she has embedded in her supporters does not put her in a good light. BTW, if she decides to run now, and loses the nomination, it won't be her supporters fault, it will be poor judgment on her part. If she decides to run now and wins the nomination, I'll be the first to admit she's a political genius. But a snowball freezing in hell, is more likely.

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  1. Well said, Bosman. I agree. Lots of people say she's a political genius--Krauthammer included. We'll see.

    Love the Carly.


  2. Bosman....your thread is music to my ears! No pun intended.

    I love the Carly too.


  3. Great thread Bosman...


  4. @ RW & Jersey,
    You have to know people didn't dislike her from the start. It's what came out of her heart and mouth that many were offended by. And it was offensive. And it still is. She treats no one with respect. If she rolls her eyes at a teacher with a sign on her personal property, then imagine her as a President Palin doing that to an angry head of state, with her kid sitting in the room chewing a wad of bubble gum, saying "you aren't the boss of us".


  5. dd, huh? wad of bubble gum? what are you talking about? do you sit around and contemplate this nonsense? like I said...I don't care if you don't like Palin...I really don't...why are you so offended that I do?



  6. Since the Romneyites are in agreement with Malia Litman on so many things today, I'll pass on this thread.

    Good day.

  7. But that's not entirely true Martha hated her as soon as she was announced.

  8. RW, it is funny that none of the Romney supporters show up and defend us Palin supporters against the likes of dd and is quite telling.


  9. "Yet my gut feeling is, that they are being played by Palin like a ukulele." To be blunt, this is on of the most foolish phases that I have heard yet. We know full well that maybe she will run and maybe she will not. She nevwer promised us that she would run and frankly as much as she would be a great President, I would not blame her one bit if she did not want the job.

  10. "RW, it is funny that none of the Romney supporters show up and defend us Palin supporters against the likes of dd and is quite telling." Well, that is because when push comes to shove they have a little more in common with European Socialism than they do with American Conservatism. This whole push to demonize Palinites is so they do not have to deal with their own record.

  11. OJ, I just think a lot of them are scumbags...not all of them. If they think I might be referring to them...then they are probably disloyal scumbags.


  12. JR,

    I hope your not refering to me.

    I'm not dirty!

  13. Palin supporters,

    Some of us Romney supporters have defended Palin and you Palin fans, as well as call out some of the most egregious crap from some Romney supporters. Such across the aisle overtures have been made by me, GetReal, hamaca, Noelle, and AZ. There may be others that I am forgetting. I don't want to comment on every silly thread because I don't have time and sometimes don't have the energy to pick a fight.


  14. I don't know if Palin knows already and is stringing her supporters along.

    I do know that if a candidate I strongly supported did do this, I'd be very upset.

  15. DanL,

    I know that when I criticize Rombots about condoning all the insane Palin hating crap I am not referring to you, GetReal, hamaca, Noelle, and AZ (there are probably a couple of others as well that I can't think of). I probably should mention that when I get a little "hot under the collar".


  16. Bosman is the most skillful and devious of all the Romney supporters.

    He complements you before stabbing you, all in the same sentence or paragraph.

    He's not fooling me with this post.

  17. "He complements you before stabbing you, all in the same sentence or paragraph.

    He's not fooling me with this post." If that is the case, I think he learned that trick from one of Kavon's friends.

  18. Dan, you should have just directed that at I said...if you think I am talking about you then maybe I am...I wasn't but if you think that...

    I always make it a case to say a lot of, or some but not all. I don't have the time to exclude the decent Romney supporters from the scumbags...they know who they are.


  19. But, you and the few you have mentioned have always stuck up for us when we're attacked by the likes of the dd's of the world...wide web and that I appreciate.


  20. Ha ha, Jersey. I guess I'm your main scumbag. Well, I like you anyway.


  21. Ben, maybe she knows she's going to run and is just waiting for the right time to announce? Why do the Palin detractors always assign malice when it comes to Palin...even to something as simple as when she announces?


  22. Martha, you're in a different category because you invited these lunatics here with your rants. Ellie delivered the invites.

    I actually don't think any of you are outright scumbags...except for dd, but I would wish that you guys would defend us against the likes of dd...who you know is not an actual Republican. I would defend you against some lib-tard. Any of matter who you support!!!


  23. "Why do the Palin detractors always assign malice when it comes to Palin...even to something as simple as when she announces?" Yeah she cannot win for losing. If she throws her hat in the ring they say she is a good Republican and a traitor and if she ends up not running than the say she is a bad person and betrayed her supporters. You gotta love the talking points.

  24. Well said Jersey, Martha is not a liberal scum, but she effectively promotes them. The sad part is that she does not realize the damage she is causing. She actually thinks she is doing mankind a favor by trashing Mrs. Palin. At least she is sincere, but the results of that sincerity are quite damaging.

  25. The thing that concerns me is that Palin has a history of allowing people to think that she is going to do one thing, but she then backs out at the last minute.

    I am thinking of those time when organizations thought she had agreed to speak at their meeting. They went out and sold tickets on the basis that Sarah Palin was going to speak. Then at the last minute, Sarah claims that she never had agreed to the speech,leaving egg all over the faces of organizers.

    How many times has that or something similar happened since November 2008? So when her deep abiding fans insist that she would never lead them on, I remember those occasions.

    Does that mean she is going to do it again this time? Certainly not. That was then. This is now. Those were mere speeches. This is a Presidential campaign. However, she does have a history of letting people assume she is going to do something they want, never setting the record straight until the last minute when she declines to do it.

    So one really shouldn't be that surprised if she ends up doing it again.

  26. HaHaHaHa!

    zappo, you seem tense.

    "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me."

    BTW, relatively speaking, after Romney, and looking at the rest of the field (including Perry, Palin doesn't look half bad.

  27. marK, you know as well as I do that those organizations thought they could, basically, bully Palin into appearing by promoting that she was definitely going to attend...even if she never said she was.

    Why isn't it possible that she was trying to but couldn't make it work with her schedule?

    Not to mention you can count those occasions on one hand.


  28. Jersey, in those cases, it was Palin's staff that confirmed Palin's appearance to the various groups. So it came down to Palin either backing out at the last minute, or not being able to coordinate with her own staff members. Either way, she appears unreliable.

    Couple that with resigning as gov, and I think Mark has a fair point.


  29. Martha proof?


  30. Actually Martha, I take that back...I remember one occasion where you did kind of defend us against dd...


  31. JR,

    O4P really, really wants Sarah to run and is hoping all their efforts will help sway her. Those organizations really, really wanted Sarah to speak to them, and hoped all their efforts would help sway her.

    And the difference is...?

    "Why isn't it possible that she was trying to but couldn't make it work with her schedule?"

    I never said it wasn't possible. I just said she has a history of allowing people to assume she was going to do something, allowing them to make plans and expend time and resources upon that assumption, and then pulling the rug out from beneath them at the last moment.

    So we really shouldn't be surprised if she does it again, should we?

  32. Busdrivers4BachmannJuly 25, 2011 at 2:13 PM

    Speaking of one thing and doing another, How's her cross-country bust tour doing?

  33. Romney supporter don't defend Palin supporters for a career very good reason .... Palin supporters are crazy for supporting Palin. Palin is insane. She has absolutely no chance of winning.

  34. "Palin is insane." Again, again that is rather funny coming from a camp that thought that they could fix health care by distorting the Free Market.

  35. "Palin is insane"

    Oh, I don't know about that. She seems pretty sane to me. In fact, she has impressed me upon a number of occasions with her intelligence, wit and charm. If that is "insane", then we could do with a lot more "insanity" in our lives.

    I still don't think she is quite up to Oval Office standards, but she certainly is far better than its current occupant.

  36. OJ,

    Government "distorts" the free market all the time. It's called laws and regulations. Can you imagine a market without them?

  37. Take a good look at this thread. Palin is away in Alaska hiding out or maybe still on "jury duty" and this thread proves she is still the most divisive politician in history.

  38. "Can you imagine a market without them?" While limited regulations are needed, one of the main reasons that we are in an economic funk is because of over-regulation.

  39. Just because I like you Palin fans--well almost all of you--I'm going to stop commenting about Palin until she announces.

    I know-I once promised to not comment about her for a month, and broke it. Hey, nobody's perfect.

    So anyway, I won't say anything until she runs, or makes an announcement. (Unless she does something really really huge, at which time I won't be able to stop myself.)

    I hope to heal some wounds, and let you guys know that it's only Palin I have a beef with. I'm sorry that you have taken my comments about her so personally. And for the record, I've never lied about her, nor dissed her family. I just have a different opinion that you do.


  40. RWN, you sure spend a lot of time reading and possibly commenting on Litmans blog. I don't get why, as she's pretty much anti-palin in all things. Heck, she even wrote a book about her, all by herself. No ghosties, no nutting!

  41. Anon,

    No, I don't spend a lot of time reading it...nor have I ever commented there. I check it out from time to time just to see what the loony left is saying....the same reason many of us go to Huffpo or Kos once in a while.

    Litman's stuff is too loony to have any effect on public opinion. Only her fellow loons take that stuff seriously. They would all hate Palin just as much with or without DD/Litman's blog.

    Ellie is the one who introduced us to her site. She admitted that she's a regular, and that she even comments from time to time.

    I wonder what Litman will do if Palin doesn't run? She would have to find a new target. I suspect it would be the GOP nominee.

    Anon, You've been quite the smartass over the past few days. Why don't you leaving a name so we know who we're talking to?

  42. Oh, wait. I take that back. I did comment there...once.

    A few weeks ago, she wrote a blog post claiming that Bachmann beat Palin in a Hot Air poll, even though Palin beat her by 20 points. A link to the post was listed under "trackbacks" at HA. A bunch of folks gave her some shit for that. She's a first class nut.

  43. Now, Ellie can go see the movie.

    Make sure you bring some friends!

  44. RWN, you sure do fear Litman. Unlike you, she actually does research before she writes. I believe she has a much better understanding of Palin than you do.

    No matter how many ways Bannon tries to shove that boring movie down our throats it will still be a failure to all except the Palin fans.

  45. No, dumbass...I do not fear Litamn. As I said, she's too loony to affect public opinion.

    I'll say it again...sign your fucking name.

  46. RW, you're just as good at spewing hate as Sarah. You have absolutely no class. You sound like a very scared man who knows he's been following a dream for a long time and has finally come to the conclusion that Sarah is nothing but a delusion and a fantasy created with her winks lies.


  47. Nice choice of language, RW. Your mama taught you well in how to communicate.
    I'm also one of those who wonder why you even bother with Litmans site. You are obsessed, and not in a good way. And yes, I'll sign my name.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Ellie,

    Good. Fuck you too. I treat others the way they treat me. Deal with it.

  50. Gee RW, I don't see anyone else using disgusting profanity, so how can you say you treat others the way they treat you? I agree with Ellie, you are obsessed, and not in a good way, it's eating you alive.


  51. RW, I've never used that language when referring to you. Nor will I ever. But you think you can, especially when you talk about the women on this site, who really think that Palin is just giving you lip service, and dragging you along. I can feel your frustration. I'm so sorry you've fallen for the game. But your language does need to be cleaned up for others to take you seriously.

  52. Ellie,

    To borrow a line from OJ..."That's rich coming from you."

    You're a vile, disgusting bitch. Why do I care if you take me seriously. As to the others...I don't hear any comdemnation of the continued assault on the Palin supporters from DD and her idiot friends (with very few exceptions), so I really don't care what anyone thinks at this point.

    They've succeded in ruining this site with your blessing.

  53. This place would get boring fast without JR, AJR, OJ, and myself to kick around.

  54. After all the ranting, raving and profanity laden vitriol, to play the "Victim/Sympathy Card" (This place would get boring fast without JR, AJR, OJ, and myself to kick around.) is really too funny.

    Nothing like a good laugh to cap off a nasty day of bickering.

    Well played.

  55. I don't go to a right leaning site tp listen to far left, bullshit talking points.

    The way I feel right now....if romney wins the nomination...screw 'em.

    Give me four years of gridlock (Obama plus Republican senate and house). Fuck it. Romney doesn't have the political courage to do what's necessary to right the country any more than Obama does. He'll further destroy the Republican party with desire to make nice with the liberals (just like many of his supporters).

    That's how I feel about it right now.

  56. Square Breathing BreakJuly 25, 2011 at 8:42 PM

    Inhale count 1 2 3 4 hold your breath count 1 2 3 4 exhale while counting 1 2 3 4 hold your breath while counting i 2 3 4.

    Do this 5 times.

  57. "Romney doesn't have the political courage to do what's necessary to right the country any more than Obama does. He'll further destroy the Republican party with desire to make nice with the liberals (just like many of his supporters)." BINGO! Ironically, the Romneyites have proven this correct today with their silly antics. Attacking Conservatism instead of liberalism is not leadership, it is just plain nuts. It is as if they want to lose the country. They have no ideological under-pinning.

  58. OJ, I must have missed the part where anyone attacked Conservatism.


  59. RW, You crack me up, but at the same time, I worry about you. You really need to get a different hobby. I'm sorry for any pain I have caused you.


  60. If one criticizes Palin, then one is in effect attacking Conservatism, since one couldn't be a Conservative and not be a Palin supporter.

  61. OJ,

    "the Romneyites have proven this correct today with their silly antics. Attacking Conservatism instead of liberalism is not leadership, it is just plain nuts. It is as if they want to lose the country. They have no ideological under-pinning."

    And what was RW doing with his anti-Romney posts.

    Does 'silly antics' apply only when criticizing Palin?

  62. Rev, were you the one who said you saw The Undefeated? If so, what did you think? How about a review?


  63. RW, you really need to take a break from all this man, you let these people get to you too easily, you let them win every time you go into a rant and curse like a sailor in your comments. Turn your computer off for a month and let things play out. But your language is pretty vile when you get heated. Just take it easy.


  64. I think I figured out who RW is, and it wasn't hard. Rebecca Mansour.

  65. Huh, Martha, you might be right. What a sad, sad life that must be.

  66. No one has seemed to mention that her documentary is not showing anywhere in Alaska. It's because we hate her guts up here.

  67. "And what was RW doing with his anti-Romney posts." RW was essentially factually correct when speaking about MAcare. Efforts to support it does not pass the smell test.

  68. Realistically, though, how "highly sought after" can the movie be if roughly 10,000 people have actually sought it out and seen it?

  69. I read the Roger Ebert review of The Undefeated. I found an interesting comment, in the comment thread, that I thought I'd share. I hope the author doesn't mind.

    Raaawb | July 24, 2011 1:38 PM | Reply
    I wasn't planning to see this, but a friend invited me to go -- and I'm glad I did. So after seeing it, I was also curious to see if Roger Ebert had, too -- or if he'd somehow managed to skip it.

    And so I am glad for this review, even though Mr. Ebert didn't express any outright admiration for what was presented, it feels like there is admirable restraint in covering the material. Maybe a couple of off-handed digs are to be expected. I feel like the film opened my eyes a bit, and so I wonder where, or if, this happened with him as well.

    I had little interest in learning about her; I'd already decided on my choice in 2008. Everything about her that fell within my range of sight seemed to say, here's a borderline stupid person who was just chosen as a running mate to bring a bit of excitement into a probably-doomed campaign. Her "you betcha" way of speaking was a bit foreign and almost too clueless-seeming. And, all the comedians I liked, were making fun of her. I wasn't voting for her party anyway; why would I care whether there was more to her?

    For me, this isn't so much about whether she ought to be President. I'm not ready to make a judgement about that. But, without digging around to further verify, I assume that much of the documented history told in this film is more or less true, or it'd be quickly shot down by someone -- I feel vaguely resentful that right now is the first I'm hearing about that history.

    Maybe a bit stupid on top of resentful, because I never bothered. I am always happy to see a strong woman making a mark on the world, because for all the trailblazers who have gone before to make it possible, by now there should be so many who are living the life imagined by their "foremothers." From what I've seen here, this is a person who deserves to be admired. What I saw before was only someone who was portrayed as a joke.

    Is it true she had an 80% approval rating in her state? Did she indeed bring needed changes to her state, and stare down big oil so that years of neglect were remedied? Did she boldly stand against so much opposition and come out triumphant? Well, that kinda stuff ain't no accident.

    Was she chosen as worthy and did she step forward with all good intentions and pride, only to be hammered mercilessly with ridicule? Did we really judge her by her way of speaking and by a few well-repeated unfortunate sound bites, without knowing anything else of her substance?

    to be continued...


  70. ...continued

    Raaawb | July 24, 2011 1:38 PM | Reply
    ...Perhaps she at least deserves to be considered a modern hero to her home state, because it seems she did rather well by them. The people of Alaska saw her as worthy and she didn't let them down when they needed her. She seems to have a particular skill at looking at something that needs to be made better, and endeavoring to do just that. Could that translate well from Alaska's problems, to the nation's problems? I don't know. Could someone who successfully runs a small company then do the same for a vastly larger one? That's a good question here. At least, in any case, one must start with the attitude that one can do it, and maintain unflagging confidence in one's self -- and she does seem to have that.

    She endured misogynistic taunts from her opponents in her earlier campaigns and virtually ignored them. She was a citizen turned politician with no roots in politics, and captured her entire state's attention. How often have we ever heard her voice crack? Maybe just a little as she speaks of something she's passionate about, but never in response to being felt "picked on." On that matter, she seems to always remain stoic and undeterred.

    So, "Undefeated"? In a personal sense, yes, this looks like someone who doesn't seem defeated at all. Even resigning as Governor after returning, at least as portrayed here, seems like more a necessity for the good of her state. If she returned home after being the subject of nationwide catcalls, she became fair game there, too -- and likely she had many who were willing to take advantage of that -- she decided she couldn't effectively do that job anymore. Not because she didn't want to.

    I might not vote for her as President, but I feel a newfound respect for her, and I wish I'd known more of her history before now. I hadn't wanted to; had no interest in it at all, and before now was never in a situation where my eyes and ears were situated so as to learn about it. I was willing to listen to the jokes and laugh at them, and not look beyond that. Because of that, I was missing out on what sounds to be a meaningful and inspirational story... and person.

    So I wonder, Mr. Ebert -- did you too, find an even grudging respect you hadn't felt before, after seeing this?


  71. No worries Rev, I thought it was you who had said that they saw must have been someone else.


  72. Which one of the bots sent that comment in? Spin it a million ways, the documentary will still be a flop.

    Have all of you started sending your letters to the editors yet? Yea, that'll work. HahahHAHAAH

  73. OJ, I would like to commend you for not stooping to the level of your fellow palin supporters here by using obscene and derogatory language whenever a comment doesnt fit well with them (at least ive never seen it in your comments). Its a childish thing to do when you have to resort to vain personal name callings and a foul mouth. It also shows that you OJ dont let these comments get to you, and for that sir "you are a patriot".

    Bill O

  74. Bill O... your mom is childish.


  75. Bill O...just kidding. I really think we all take this stuff a little too seriously. I wish others didn't have to mock me because I support someone they hate but unfortunately they do. I am going to do better and just ignore the ignorant.

    BTW, welcome aboard.


    Will you see "Undefeated," the documentary about Sarah Palin?
    1. 68.25% No.
    2. 20.63% Yes, I will see (or already have seen it) in theaters.
    3. 11.11% Yes, but I will wait to watch it on pay-per-view or DVD


  77. So...

    Nearly a third of the responants indicated that they either have watched, or will watch the movie?

    That's pretty fucking good if you ask me.

    What's your point, dd?

  78. Well I do not agree with producing such language, but I do not mind using body parts figuratively.

  79. OJ,'s this?


    Nearly a third of the responants indicated that they either have watched, or will watch the movie?

    That's pretty good if you ask me.

    What's your point, asshole?


    Is that better?

  80. RW needs an intervention. Anyone know where he lives?


  81. Martha, I'm just fine. Don't worry. Fact is, I stopped taking this site seriously. Nobody wishes to have a serious discussion anymore. We don't even know who we're talking to half the time. What a waste of time.

  82. If I want to get beat up, I can post something at Red State or Free Republic. At least there's some accountability since you can't post anonymously at those sites. In addition, they zap liberal trolls on sight.

    Oh...I almost forgot. People actually read those sites too.

  83. seem like a glutton for punishment. You keep coming back, you cannot stay away.

    PS...IMO Right Wingnut is pretty much the same as anon.


  84. RW,

    I'm glad you're fine, and I was just joking around.


  85. I take a little break from the internet, and what do I find? People are not playing nicely in the sand box together! If you were my kids, I guess I'd have to send you all to your rooms to think it over. :) Of course, now that most of my kids are as big as I am, that doesn't work very well; I don't suppose it will work here, either.

    I don't like RW's language--really don't like it--however, I have to admit that there have been people deliberately provoking him. Shame on you!

    Now, as a Mitt supporter, I can tell you that he isn't perfect. I understand why some people actually see a lot of faults in him. I also see many flaws in Sarah Palin as a candidate. She does lean more towards drama; which attracts some people and repels others. I wonder what she's up to, but I honestly hope that she doesn't string her supporters along unnecessarily.


  86. Oh, and I really don't want her to run third party!


  87. who's provoking RW, hes as thin skinned as obama, nobody attacked him personally or cursed and sweared at him or calling him names. People are commenting on the race, on palin, her movie etc. RW goes into a rampage because he cant stand the fact someone disagrees or talks down to the queen of queens. Rw, take a break if you cant take the heat. Palin isnt losing any sleep over you, and you shouldnt either.


  88. How about them Red Sox?
