Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Like Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann are strong supporters of States Rights and the 10th Amendment

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."~10th Amendment

Mitt Romney has been a strong believer of states rights and the 10th Amendment. As Governor of Massachusetts, he and the Massachusetts Legislature developed a plan and passed a law that would insure that everyone had health insurance and that no one would any longer be able to take advantage of a law passed by President Reagan in the 80's requiring hospitals not to turn away anyone if they did not have insurance. What was happening in the state was that the voluntarily
uninsured (freeriders) were using hospital emergency rooms for health care needs and we tax payers were footing the bill through higher taxes and higher costing insurance premiums. Under the new law, everyone is required to purchase health insurance. Those who could not afford it in the past, were given lower cost subsidized policies. As a result, Massachusetts is number 1 in the nation with the least amount of uninsured. Romney did all this by not raising taxes and using MA share of federal monies and state user fees.

When President Obama decided to use the MA plan as a guide for Obamacare, Romney took some heat. Romney argues that under the 10th Amendment, states have a right to pass such laws based on their states particular needs. The federal courts are in the process of deciding now if the federal government has those same rights at a national level. Mitt Romney believes they do not and has pledged to work to repeal Obamacare if elected President.

Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann also believe states have the right to pass laws that affect only their particular state.

"Americans understand that the states were the laboratory of innovations, the states should be competing."~Rick Perry

Here is Rick Perry back in November talking with Greta Van Susteren about states rights and Health Care

The very beginning of the video and 3:30 minute mark, Perry talks about states rights and how he'd like to apply it in Texas:

Here is Perry's response to a gay marriage law recently passed in New York State:

“Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me,” Mr. Perry said.

“That is their call. If you believe in the 10th Amendment, stay out of their business,” the Texas Republican added.

Michele Bachmann also chimed in on New York law:

“In New York state, they have passed the law at the state legislative level and, under the 10th Amendment, the states have the right to set the laws that they want to set,” Bachmann told Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace soon after passage of the law last month.

“That's up to the people of New York,” the presidential candidate responded when Wallace noted that she opposes such rights.

I'm looking forward to both Bachmann and Perry sticking up for Mitt when people challenge what Romney did in Massachusetts. AREN'T YOU?

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  1. Well, Rick, you didn't 'take and find' a healthcare solution for Texas on 10 years, now did you?

    So yeah, I don't think you should be handing out advice to Romney. Ha ha.

    After listening to this clop, I now see why people say you're not that bright.

    And FYI, I never bought these protestation that you didn't want to be president.


  2. Why Rick Perry Isn't Suited To Be President -
