Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Former Governor George V. Voinovich To Endorse Mitt Romney

Former Ohio Governor and Senator George V. Voinovich will formally give his endorsement to Mitt Romney tomorrow:

Lately, Mitt Romney has been picking up a lot of endorsements from of current and former governors back him for 2012. Former Rhode Island Governor Donald Carcieri will also officially give his endorsement to Mitt Romney and will help him raise money at an upcoming fundraiser. A few weeks ago, Nebraska Govenor Dave Heineman endorsed Romney as well.

Congratulations Mitt Romney for getting these endorsements!

This article was cross posted from Conservative Samizdat.


  1. i also read somewhere some guy from pawlentys NH camp jumped ship over to romneys camp.

  2. Those endorsements are starting to roll in!

  3. sorry, that was me.
