Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Palins at the Mall Of America Book Signing.

I stopped by the Mall Of America tonight to check out Bristol and Sarah Palin's book signing. It was wrapping up just as I got there, but I was able to get a few decent photos as they were leaving.

I also took this short video of Palin mixing it up with the crowd. Apparently, I was holding my iPhone the wrong way, but it still turned out OK.

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  1. RW,

    Is that your voice in the video repeating. "Thank you so much"?

  2. RW,

    You got some good photos and video.

    How tall would you guess Sarah and Todd are?

  3. Rev,

    My best guess...

    Todd is 6'0" - 6'1" or so...

    Sarah is about 5'8" - 5'9" in heels.

  4. Hi RW,

    I really do hope Palin gets in. I honestly think she helps Romney.

    When I look at Romney's competition, Perry is a NUT CASE and Bachmann has gone down a few notches in my opinion of her.

    At least Sarah honors the 11 Commandment like Romney. Bachmann, not so much.

  5. Run Sarah Run!

    America needs you.

  6. RW, you should have forced your way to the front and snapped a photo with her, and then ask her to give a shout out to thanks for sharing.


  7. What a great video!!Thank you for taking it! I enjoyed it very much!

  8. Are Sarah and Bristol in mourning?
    What's with all the black in the summer?

  9. Thanks for the Video! I can't help smile when I see Sarah interact with people. Lots of smiles in the crowd. Go Sarah. Run.

  10. Sarah Palin 'will run for White House in 2012'

  11. I'm glad you got a chance to go there RW. Looks like fun. Thanks for sharing.

  12. "Are Sarah and Bristol in mourning?
    What's with all the black in the summer?"

    Bottom feeding snark.

  13. It's nice that she takes time with people; it's easy to see why people like her. What I find a bit disturbing is the sporatic "I love you, Sarah!" shouts .. just reaks of celebrity stalker ..
