Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Does the setting of this President Obama Campaign ad look familiar? Oops!

NRO's Jim Geraghty raises the question of whether Barack Obama filmed a video for his reelection campaign in the White House, which may possibly be a violation of federal election laws.
In the video, President Obama promotes a "Dinner With Barack" raffle. To participate in the contest you need to donate at least $5 to the president's re-election campaign and your name will be raffled off to enjoy a dinner with the President, airfare and accommodations included. In a new web video, Obama announced Vice President Joe Biden will also be attending the dinner.
There is one problem, however. This campaign ad was most likely recorded in the White House, which may have violated FEC campaign finance laws.

The full story is HERE.

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  1. id donate 5 dollars just for the opportunity to dine with him and tell him why romney will be better for the country than he is. I wonder if i would get kicked out before dessert.

  2. Laws don't apply to Obama. He's aboe the law.

    This won't make the news other than perhaps Fox.

  3. It sure looks like he broke the law. If not, it sure is unethical.
