Friday, May 27, 2011

Sarah Palin: Will She or Won't She?

There was a lot of buzz out there yesterday with the announcement of a Sarah Palin's East Coast Bus Tour and an upcoming release of a 2 hour documentary. One thing for sure is, there is NO CONSISTENCY in opinions as to WHAT IT ALL MEANS. So is Sarah Running?

YES! Karl Rove:

NO! Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham: (fast forward to the 3:20 minute mark)

NO! Byron York:

Maybe! Rush Limbaugh:


  1. I hope she's in because it would hurt all Romney's competition.

    The problem is that organization and money wise, she's done nothing. So it would be foolish on her part.

  2. I agree with all of those pundits. Will Sarah Palin run? My answer is yes. Wait, no. Okay maybe.

    I hope she does not run. Primarily because first and foremost I want to defeat Obama, and I don't believe she can do that. Also, I do not want to see her family put into the spotlight again. I think they would do well to spend some time in relative isolation. And finally, I just don't think she is ready for the burden of responsibility that comes with being the president.

    I wish her all the best. I hope she is prosperous and happy.

  3. This is classic Sarah! She is nothing, if not the most adept self-promoter on the stage today. -Martha

  4. Well, she appears to be hitting the ‘unconventional’ mark quite well.

    She’s possibly substituting an exploratory bus tour, for an exploratory committee.

  5. Or bill, she has a free vacation from Sarapac, and it's nothing more than an I Love Me tour!

    I really don't think Fox would expose itself to serious campaign laws by having her on payroll, if she were truly running. Santorum just sniffed into a presidential hankie and was let go.

  6. Ellie...I could not agree with your more. This is nothing more than a media hyped vacation where Sarah can feed her ego at the expense of her base. All those donations are going to a grand holiday for the Palins. She is not running...she is just teasing her base for as long as she possibly can.
