Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sarah Palin Meeting with Donald Trump

zzzzZZZZZ........zzzzZZZZZ......zzzzZZZZZ...... Now where was I? Oh:
Sarah Palin plans to meet Tuesday night with Donald Trump in New York City, according to sources close to Trump.

Palin's office reached out to meet with Trump, not the other way around, Michael Cohen, special counsel at the Trump organization told ABC News.
The two plan to meet in his 30,000-square-foot apartment in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and later will eat dinner together.
Sources say the restaurant will be low-key, not one of New York's more upscale dining establishments. "One step above McDonald's," Cohen said.
The full story is here.

Now What could it be?

1. She wants to Co-host "The Apprentice" next season?
2. Wants Todd or herself to be invited on to the show?
3. Wanted to see if there was any progress on Obama's College Transcripts?
4. Wanted his advise on opening a chain of Moose Meat Restaurants called, "Sarah's and Bullwinkle's"?
5. Realizes there is no more BIG MONEY donors left for the 2012 Presidential election and wanted to see if he was open to endorsing her?
6. She is running out of things to do to take the focus off the upcoming GOP Primaries and the current candidates?
    I DON'T KNOW! What do you think?


    1. This lady is just , I want to say, squirrely, but I guess it's more " moosely. What a flat out whackjob


    2. I don't think she's a whackjob at all. I reserve the right to change my mind about that if the meeting is to ask Trump to be her VP if she wins the nomination.

    3. She's going to beg him to run and wants to be on the ticket.

      She'll try to convince him that America needs their caliaper of leadership:

      You're Fired / I Quit in 2012!

    4. She told him once that he'd look cute in a BOWL CUT and offered to do it next time she was in town.

    5. Excellebt post Rev.
      I'm as excited as you.


    6. Does anyone really care what these two talk about?

      Most likely, themselves.

    7. There's been some scuttlebut about Trump mounting a third party run. It makes sense for a potential GOP nominee to get on his good side, if you know what I mean.

      Mitt Romney makes a third party run more likely.

    8. And, a palin/trump ticket would lose. But you knew that, right RWN?

    9. Dumbshit anon,

      Where did I mention a Palin/Trump ticket? I've written anti-Trump posts on this site.

      What's wrong with being on Trump's good side? If he doesn't like the GOP nominee, he's more likely to run as a third party candidate. He's reportedly thinking about doing exactly that.

    10. inappropriate language rw

    11. RW,

      take it easy brother, no need to crap your pants every time palin's name is mentioned in a comment.Just take a deep breath and say "WOOSA", "WOOSA"....

    12. RWN,

      PoohPooh head or Dumb posterior is much less hostile.

    13. No, I think "dumbshit" fits perfectly.

    14. lol poor RW, mama grizzly will be proud of you. A fierce defender to defend her from all the negativity...too bad she doesnt give a rats ass about you

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Trump is a fool and and the Mainstream know is it. Catering or currying favor from Trump is for fringe elements.

    17. Sarah continues making a fool of herself. I wonder where the mob of fans are? All we see are the few plants sitting in a diner and the paparazzi. Sarah is the laughing stock of the world.How stupid does she think we are? She's whining about the media as she drives across the country in her gaudy bus...just begging for attention.

      I wonder if she's negotiating a gig on the apprentice for Bristol, Todd, or herself?

    18. Hey Doug, are you saying that RW should be BANNED? Interesting, I thought you guys were against that?


    19. BTW, funny post Revolution. I must assume that Palin is doing what RW thinks. She knows a 3rd Party run by Trump will only result in Obama staying in the White House. She wants to feel him out and in the process, is possibly looking for your #6. She does need a few big donors and she knows he he and his friends have some deep pockets.


    20. "as she drives across the country in her gaudy bus...just begging for attention." Well, your friends in the media fell for it. So who is the smart one in the room?

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. Doug, unless you're planning on banning him, he should have every right to use any word he chooses to use...it's a free country and since you guys don't seem to mind the disgusting vitriol that the liberal trolls spread about Palin, then you shouldn't mind a harmless word.

      If Romney wins the nomination, I can't wait to see the trolls turn on you guys. I assume there will be a lot more deletions and bannings if that happens.

      Please don't patronize me as you did with your closing remark. Unless that's the game you want to play but trust me I am much better at it than you.


    23. "If Romney wins the nomination, I can't wait to see the trolls turn on you guys." Well, I guess we will find out once and for all whether these are liberal trolls or Romneyites.

    24. JR,

      You are correct.

      RWN is a grown adult and is free to express himself any way he likes.

    25. jerseyrepublican wrote..."If Romney wins the nomination, I can't wait to see the trolls turn on you guys. I assume there will be a lot more deletions and bannings if that happens."

      If Romney does win the nomination, I totally expect and look forward to it as well. It will be funny to watch them whine and complain. I know that I will not lift a finger to defend Romney because all they did (excluding hamaca and some others) is snicker & silently approve while Palin was savaged by a bunch of Trig Truther Liberals. I will vote for Romney but the Rombots can defend him.


    26. AJR - here...here!!!


    27. The 2 comments I deleted were in regards to language used on this site.

      They had no place on the thread and they only served as a distraction.
