Friday, May 27, 2011

Romney Mitt-terupted

Mitt Romney was in Iowa today for his first campaign stop, when 27 minutes into a Q & A session, fire alarms began to sound. The unflappable former MA Governor advised the audience to clear the room after a second alrm went off.

Here is a video from the event:

Fox News Carl Cameron managed to get an interview with Romney outside the event in Iowa:


  1. He is just awesome. Calm, collected, a natural leader in the face of any crisis! even just keeping everyone calm in the midst of a fire alarm, hehe.

  2. Mitt Romneys leadership skills on display!

  3. mikez,

    A little carried away, don't you think? Put down the pom poms for a while.

  4. Is this where he panders and goes all in on ethanol subsides?

  5. Maybe Mitt had one of his campaign staffers trip the alarm so he could skip the RomneyCare question.

  6. Now who looks they are flailing about =lahiong out>

    What? Only Palinistas are allowed to break out the pom poms?

    Exactly why I posted thie video.

    Mike Z - Thanks for "Getting It" - Cool, clear demeanor.

  7. Doug, I think this actually highlights a main difference between Romney and Palin. Romney has the intangible qualities of presence of mind, quick-thinking, and good judgment which instill confidence in his leadership ability. Others have it--Rudy for example.

    Palin simply does not possess it, and can't buy it or create it. You either have it or you don't. All the advisors in the world can't help her in this dept. - Martha

  8. Careful what you says guys, RW might swear and piss his pants and threaten to leave.

  9. Bosman - Thanks for adding the Fox interview!

  10. I thought Romney handled himself well under the circumstance.

    I know Carl Cameron in the past has done everything to belittle Romney.

  11. Anon 12:34,

    Highfly.....Is that you? Still scared to sign your name, I see. You are fast becoming a 4th String Rombot. I may give Pablo, Martha and others a hard time......but at least they have the guts to sign their name.

