Thursday, May 26, 2011

Palin to Embark on Nationwide Bus Tour

From SarahPac:
Starting this weekend, Sarah Palin will embark on a One Nation Tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival, and growth of the United States of America. The tour will originate in Washington DC and will proceed north up the east coast. More information will follow. Please follow the tour on
More from Real Clear Politics:
In a move designed to propel her closer to a presidential run, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will set out on a bus tour of the country on Sunday, making stops at symbolic sites along the way.

"Starting this weekend, Sarah Palin will embark on a ‘One Nation' tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival, and growth of the United States of America," SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford said in a statement to RealClearPolitics. "The tour will originate in Washington, D.C. It will proceed north up the east coast."

Details were still being hammered out on Thursday, but sources indicated to RCP that the bus tour is expected to last several weeks and will be divided into separate geographical stretches for logistical reasons.

Members of Palin's immediate family are expected to join her on the trip, which will eventually take her through key early-voting states.

Photos from SarahPac:

H/T Drudge Report for Headline Photo - Also, see Drudge for more on the developing story.


  1. According to Drudge, she'll be in new Hampshire this weekend.


  2. The movie and bus tour announcements are well timed to distract from the whatever sting the Bailey brings, and the emails which are supposed to be released this week.


  3. RW
    And she'll be in DC in 2013.

    I wonder if that dick, Morris will still say she is not running? I'm sure he'll have a creative excuse for being wrong, yet again.


  4. "The movie and bus tour announcements are well timed to distract from the whatever sting the Bailey brings, and the emails which are supposed to be released this week."

    Smart move on Palin's part.

  5. Martha
    Who is this Bailey you speak of?


  6. "Who is this Bailey you speak of?" I doubt she has met this person.

  7. I hope this means she's getting in.

    The thought of discussing the merits of only Pawlenty, Gingrich, Huntsman, and Cain, isn't exactly my idea of excitement.

  8. Sarah is definitely scared about Bailey, especially the things he didn't put in his book...the things that will go in his next book. I expect to see Ms Quittypants booed out of town at every stop. She will quickly find out just how despised she is. If she's trying to distract from all the negativity, she'll have to have a brand new shiny object for the rest of her life.

  9. "Who is this Bailey you speak of?" I doubt she has met this person."

    Isn't he THE RAT who worked for her and just released the book?

  10. Oh that guy. His 15 minuites are about up.

  11. I'm sure Palin and the Palinbots wish Bailey's 15 minutes were up. The also wish Dunn and McGinnis's 15 were up too. This is going to be a very painful summer for the quitter. The HBO movie will also be fun to watch, a lot more fun than her political propaganda movie. The truth hurts.

  12. "This is going to be a very painful" BINGO, it will be painful for the Romneyites and the Party elite. You got that right.

  13. It is painful...when I think of a small group of hillbillies chasing a big fuel wasting bus. Clearly, Sarah is not into conserving energy in exchange for her I'm a celebrity tour.

    Personally, I'll stick with a qualified candidate who is not afraid of the media and will not hide behind a goofy movie or inside a flashy bus.

  14. Barracudas Maximus is afraid of . . . well I’ll have to get back to you on that.

    She is the most vetted person in history. The GOP and Left have attacked her numerous times with every weapon that can construct.


  15. Hey guys,

    Is this pop-up method of commenting better than the old?

  16. Bos, I was having trouble logging in over the oast few days. That's why I was commenting anonymously. This works for me.

  17. It's faster too, and will allow for watching a video and commenting at the same time.

  18. And I can be on another site, and monitor a particular comment section much easier, I say keep it.

  19. RWN,

    It also eliminates that stupid extra security step of typing in a word if you post anonymously or by name/Url

  20. I agree RWN,

    I really like this. You can move the window to the side and save the time of having to go up and down the whole post each time.

    I'll be curious to hear what others think.

  21. Bos,

    If someone clicks to make a comment, does it count as a page view?

  22. Sam from MA AKA Jon Huntsman for ObamaMay 26, 2011 at 5:42 PM

    Bosman, this commenting system is much better. Awesome.

  23. RWN,

    "If someone clicks to make a comment, does it count as a page view? "

    I'm not sure. I would think that if the comment shows up on the page, it must.

    We'll soon find out if there is a drastic drop in pageviews.

    You're right though that with this system unlike the old, you don't have to actually enter the article. You can comment from the front page.

    I suppose one way around that would be to put page breaks in your post. Another words, Give folks part of your article on the Home page. If they want to read the whole thing, they would need to open up your post.

    Similar to the way they do it at Race. If you want to read the whole aricle you have to leace the FP.

  24. Frank baily. Her former pool boy.

  25. Nice upgrade....way to go Bos!

    85 plus followers - we need to start planning out party when we hit 100!

  26. Bosman - I like this commenting system better too.

  27. I like the new commenting as well. I can take the comments with me now rather than having to come back and forth.

  28. What do you guys make of Fox allowing Sarah to stay on in light of the Tour and movie?

    Doesn't make you a little nervous that maybe they know something you don't?

  29. Rev, Not really. Do you really think she would tell Fox what she's doing?

    I suspect they're hesitant to cut her loose. She attracts eyeballs to their network.

    Until she makes a formal announcement, they don't have any legal obligation to let her go. If they did, what if she didn't run? She signed a 5 year deal. I doubt Fox wants her to be a free agent.

  30. Anyone find it a little phony for Sarah to be talking about the history and heritage of America? Remember when Beck asked her who her favorite founding father was, and she gave the lame-o answer with "all of 'em". Even Beck didn't buy that.

  31. Sarah's re-introduction tour is too late and will come across as obnoxious and self-gratifying.

  32. Aw...MikeZ. After several months of thoughtful commentary, he reintroduces himself as a hack.

    BTW, did you get the Vibram Five Fingers yet? I tried a pair on, but opted to go with the Nike Free 3.0. Two year bout with Planter Faciitis...gone.

  33. RW, why not allow people to post an opinion here without calling names.

    Just a thought!


  34. The FOX situation is the real hitch I see to Palin running, and I think it really does mean she's not getting in. I was pretty convinced that she was going to do it.

    They would not have pressured the others to make a decision, and then turn a blind eye to the movie and tour.


  35. Mike, I agree. Obnoxious and self-serving to the max. ESPECIALLY if she's not running! Looks like a last gasp effort for publicity before the real candidates start getting all the attention.

    This lady craves attention like no other.

  36. Martha, the others were talking with political insiders and publicly forming their early campaign organizations. Palin hasn't done that there is no reason to force her hand.


  37. Maybe so, Jersey. But it's hard to see that talking to a couple of insiders as Huck did, is not worse than putting out a full-length movie and going on a nationwide bus tour!
    Like I said, I hope she runs, but for the first time in months, I just don't think she will.

  38. Maybe?


    BTW, Martha, what are your thoughts on the leftover pizzas Mitt sent over to the Obama campaign?

  39. I guess "One Nation" will be Palin's campaign slogan...not a bad slogan.


  40. Jersey, I saw your pizza comments over on the other page, and thought you were being a little ridiculous. Romney gives free pizza, Palin says he has no male parts. You be the judge, but seriously, Jersey.

    My thought is that Romney is a nice guy and wanted to share some great pizza. Waste not, want not, as they say!

    I guess you could say that Romney also sent a message to Obama that he is raising money on Obama's turf, and to get ready.


  41. I understand what he's doing and it's classless. I'm not talking about Palin, I don't base my criticism of other candidates entirely on Palin but it seems you, of all people, would think this lacks class...which it does. Money can buy lots of things but not class.


  42. Jersey, you missed my point. Palin is tops in the classless category. -Martha

  43. I understood your point is...we're not talking about Palin...we're talking about Romney leaving leftovers for the's rude and classless.

  44. Last one was me


  45. Sharing is rude. Interesting point of view.

  46. Noelle, with all due respect...if you think his point was to share...then you're a little naive. He's basically saying that the President can have his leftovers...he's done, the President can have what Romney didn't can eat now that Master Romney is finished. If Romney wins the nomination and pulls a stunt like this, he will be labeled can count on it. In fact if Palin wasn't dominating the news cycle right now...somebody would have already called him that.

    I'm not saying he's a racist...I'm saying someone in the media would have brought the question up.

    It lacked class and was amateur hour.


  47. Jersey, what in the H are you talking about? Racism??? Leftovers???


