Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mitt Romney: NBC's Today Show Interview (May 31, 2011 VIDEO)

As Mitt Romney prepares to officially roll out his presidential campaign later this week, he’s giving President Barack Obama an ‘F’ for the last two years.
“It’s failed,” the former Massachusetts governor said of the Obama presidency in an interview taped over the weekend at his New Hampshire home that aired Tuesday morning on NBC’s “Today.”
“He’s been one of the most ineffective presidents at the job at hand that I’ve ever seen,” Romney said. “The number one issue he faced walking in the door was an economy in fast decline. He didn’t cause it, but he made things worse.”
The full story is HERE.

Here is Mitt Romney discussing President Obama's failures as President:

LIVE FEED! Watch Mitt Romney formally announce his candidacy in New Hampshire for President of the United States on Thursday, June 2, 12:30 PM EST. Watch for the RIGHT SPEAK link to the LIVE EVENT. We will post the link on Thursday morning. Hope to see you There!

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  1. What a great interview.

    He needs to do these relaxed, New Hampshire interviews more often.

  2. Another great interview by Mitt.

    Romney in 2012!

  3. I loved Mitt's rapid fire jabs at Obama. Short & Sweet!


  4. Excellent piece.

    Thanks Bos for posting.

    I liked the "better to be foe than a freind" and the "My plan was 70 pages, his plan is 2,700 pages, there's a lot in those 2,630 pages wrecking the HC system" and the economy comments.

    You see the "strategery" on full display

    Interesting to see if he gets this quality of treatment from Fox. I'm sure NBC has the darrers waiting in the wings, but this was a very balanced bit for the week he's planning to announce.

  5. Keep in mind Mitt can DO these types of inteverviews because he is NOT under Fox contract and constraints. He does not need a gimmicy 'bus' tour, or Palin Horror Show flick to show his creds. He just needs to open his mouth and answer the questions. He does not call himself a 'truth teller' either. It's a given when he opens his mouth, the truth falls out.

  6. Great interview! Casual, relaxed, yet very professional and confident.

    Romney 2012!


  7. Do you ever get tired of turning every comment about about anything into a Palin smear? You must be a blast at family bbq's. I can picture it now..."Mom, can you pass the baked beans?" Ellie replies, "pass the baked beans, sure hun but you know who cannot pass on an opportunity to hog the spotlight and murder all that's good and decent about this country? Sarah Palin that's who. She's a media whore in sodam/gemorrah style of whores. Sure she'd probably pass you the baked beans but I can guarantee that if you look close her face will be printed on every one of those little baked beans...and Trig isn't hers."


  8. Class act. Great American.

    Now watch this interview again, thinking of Mitt as president the whole time. WOW

  9. In the end, after all the bells, whistles and show business is set aside, the qualities Romney posseses and exhudes, will win the day.

    He is not the most overt candidate, but people will get the feeling he is the most competent and focused, which after seeing how Obama has executed his duties, will be a factor in the decision making process people go through on a more sub-concious level.

    The REAL Deal.

  10. Excellent interview! I loved it. Great Job, Mitt!

  11. That was a really good interview. Mitt continues to impress me.

    Romney 2012

  12. Not really a romney supporter, im still undecided, but this was a great interview.Im waiting for the field to settle before making a decision.

  13. Actually, I'm a blast at family BBQ's. I usually bring the water balloons filled with water and jello! And it was not 'smear' as you preceive it to be. Grow a pair. (of what, I'm not sure, as I'm busy filling up balloons with water an jello for my kids last day at school!) BTW, I also make the killer baked beans ;)

  14. Several great interviws today. On KSL in the SLC market, Doug Wright talked about Mitt Romney, and about this interview.

  15. Great job by Mitt.

    Also, that was a pretty funny comment JR. :)

  16. This was a great interview. Romney seemed to be at his most relaxed.

  17. This was a good interview, he answered a lot of questions very well. Mitt made headlines with his F score.. Anyone know where to find the full interview?

  18. and Doug, I like your comment, well said! Mitt has some very articulate supporters on this site! (at some point we're gonna have to do outreach on hotair and nationalreview)

  19. Thanks Get Real. I appreciate that you call it as you see it. I know a lot of the Romney supporters, on this site, see no foul by having Ellie and her army of Malia Litman Palin haters on this site, but who do they think they will attack if Romney is our nominee? I still don't believe Ellie is an actual Romney supporter. She never actually discusses any of his accomplishments, sure she'll send accolades his way but they are usually basic and simplistic lacking any attention to any details about Romney's actual accomplishments.


  20. JR,

    If Romney is the nominee, I expect the "Malia Litman Palin haters" will turn very quickly on him because they are LIBERALS. Then the Rombots who silently approved of their behavior will whine and cry like babies.

