Saturday, May 28, 2011

Have You Hugged a Muslim Today?

Have all of you heard about this huge Pro-America Rally being set up by several large Muslim American Organizations?

Their goal is to bring 1 million Muslims living in America together somewhere in the United states for a 2 day rally. On Day 1, They will bring in Muslim speakers that will condemn Muslim terrorism and terrorist acts throughout the world. On the second day, they will bring in speakers that condemn the persecution of Christians in Muslim dominated countries. The goal of the rally is to show the world that Islam is a peaceful religion and that anyone who uses their faith for political gain or as a basis to harm others should be condemned.

Now there is a reason you haven't heard about this rally,................because THERE ISN'T ONE!

On the other hand, Congressman John Conyers feels there is a Public relations need by the government to let Muslim American Communities know that America stands with them and that those communities have gotten a bad rap over the past few years. He is proposing a Resolution in Congress to make this happen.

The following is an official statement from Congressman John Conyers website:
Dear Colleague:
Please join us as an original co-sponsor of the resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the federal government should take steps to counter anti-Muslim sentiment. Over the last decade, the American Muslim community has confronted a festering level of suspicion which has manifested itself in hostile government policies and bias from the general public. A CBS/ New York Times poll released in mid-September showed that as many as 20 percent of Americans said they have negative feelings toward Muslims because of the September 11th terrorist attacks. While Congress has confronted some of the more violent manifestations of this bias, the general climate faced by the community has continued to create barriers to full participation in public life that should be addressed by official government policy.
We believe that this sense of Congress is a logical step toward sending the message that the American Muslim community should be able to enjoy the rights guaranteed under the Constitution to the same extent as all other Americans. Communities should be protected from the threat of violence and suspicion that was at the heart of last January’s thwarted attack against the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn, Michigan. They should also be able to rely on law enforcement’s fundamental integrity and respect for First Amendments protected rights. Ultimately, the American Muslim community should be able to rely on the federal government to lead the effort in fostering an open climate of understanding and cooperation. Only through a balanced examination of the challenges facing the nation will we establish a strong policy framework for protecting security, while respecting the Constitution and the interests of affected communities.
It is essential that the federal government send the message that we all must work together to guarantee the security of our country and that no community should be singled out for suspicion. We hope that you will join us in sending that message by co-sponsoring this resolution. To cosponsor or to find out more information, please call Keenan Keller of the Judiciary Committee Democratic staff at 5-6906.
Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
Rep. Andre Carson
Rep. Hansen Clarke

I guess I'm old school. I say, you reap what you sow!


  1. I agree with Conyers. I have absolutely no problem with American Muslims. There are a few bad apples just like there are a few bad apples in Christendom. But overall, they are a very decent group of people.

  2. So Pablo thinks that Congress needs to address the safety of Muslim Americans?

    How about Muslim groups condemning the actions of radical Islam around the world?

  3. Well, I am not sure what this resolution calls for. I certainly don't think that federal government should spend any money on this, but I do believe that it wouldn't be careless to make some kind of public resolution.

  4. I think what Bosman is getting at in an indirect way, is that perhaps if Muslims feel isolated and unpopular with main stream America, maybe they only have to look at themselves and their actions, or lack of actions, to figure out why?
