Tuesday, April 26, 2011

USA/Gallup Poll: Voters aren't ready for a Trump Presidency

Donald Trump finds himself in 4th place in the USA Today/Gallup Poll behind President Obama, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee in that order when it comes to those who would definitely vote or consider voting for him as President.
Republicans may be ready for a fling with Donald Trump, but a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows they have reservations about installing him in the White House.
The real estate developer and reality TV star, who scores at the top in polls of the GOP field these days, falls to fourth when Republicans are asked to rate who among the contenders would be a “good” or “great” president in office.
Views already are polarized about President Obama and some major Republican candidates for 2012:

Source: USA TODAY/Gallup Poll of 1,013 adults. April 20-23. Margin of error +/-4 percentage points.
Specifics on this poll are very limited. What was available, can be found HERE.

1 comment:

  1. These numbers look more realistic.

    Those polls that have Trump up must have been polling the bottom feeders.
