Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rasmussen National GOP Primary Poll: Trump 19% Romney 17% Huckabee 15%

Rasmussen National GOP Primary Poll: Trump 19% Romney 17% Huckabee 15%
Republican primary voters at this early stage of the game now give billionaire developer Donald Trump the edge over presumptive favorites Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee in the race to be the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2012.....
......Polls this early in the process really don’t tell much more than who has the highest name recognition, Washington Examiner political analyst Michael Barone points out in a new column assessing Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s decision not to seek the Republican nomination. “Voters will know far more about the Republican nominee in fall 2012 than they know now about any contender,” he explains.
If the 2012 Republican Primary for President were held today would you vote for Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich or Mitch Daniels?

Donald Trump 19%
Mitt Romney 17%
Mike Huckabee 15%.
Sarah Palin 9%
Newt Gingrich 9%
Ron Paul 8%
Tim Pawlenty 5%
Mitch Daniels 3%
Some other candidate 5%
Undecided when presented with this list of candidates 11%
The survey of 1,000 Likely GOP Primary Voters was conducted on April 26, 2011 by Rasmussen Reports. Likely GOP Primary Voters include both Republicans and unaffiliated voters likely to vote in a GOP Primary. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
The full story is HERE.

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