Saturday, April 30, 2011

LIVE FEED!: Mike Huckabee at the NRA Convention 7:30 EST April 30

Mike Huckabee will be speaking tonight at the NRA's Celebration of American Values. Here is the schedule:

Celebration of American Values
Freedom Experience
7:30-10:30 PM ET • Live Event Coverage

Featured Speakers:

﷯Mike Huckabee Former Governor of Arkansas and Fox News commentator
﷯Wayne LaPierre NRA Executive Vice President
﷯Chris W. Cox NRA-ILA Executive Director
﷯Michael Reagan Former radio host and Republican strategist

The event should start below at 7:30 PM EST.
NOTE: Please be patient if the event doesn't start exactly on time. When working with live feeds/webcasts, things don't always go as planned. Also, "REFRESH" the page every so often until The link begins to work:
Feed #1

Feed 2:

If the feed does not work above, you will be able to view it below. RIGHT CLICK the photo below. Choose, "Open link in New Window":

If you like when we bring you LIVE FEEDS and the latest videos, please show your appreciation by liking us here on Facebook.


  1. To Huck fans:

    You can show your appreciation of this LIVE FEED by "LIKING" Right Speak on Facebook.

  2. (Cont)

    The Facebook link is at the bottom of the post!


  3. I really would like to know if Huck is breaking campaign laws by appearing at campaign stops like this while still working for Fox.

  4. This is Newsworthy?

    I'm only kidding.

  5. zeke,

    If you'll look back on Race you'll see that I didn't even bother to read any of the comments before posting or I wouldn't have bothered since Craig had already posted the same link. I've been babysitting grandkids all day and working on some stuff for Team Huck to help get things ready in case he decides to run again.

  6. DanL,
    If the NRA annual meeting is a "campaign stop" does that mean Jeff Foxworthy is running for office, too? What about some of the other speakers and performers? Are they all running?

  7. Bosman,
    I think I liked the right page on Facebook. I didn't see the link on here.

  8. I've opened feed 2, and it's working.

  9. I was invited by our Team Huck national coordinator to join in handing out Huckabee fliers as part of the volunteer grassroots effort. I couldn't fit it in my budget or schedule. :( I'm glad some of my other Team mates were able to make it. There are supposed to be a couple twitters to follow. But, I never was any good at tweeting or figuring all that stuff out.

  10. I wonder when Mike is speaking?

  11. If Mike is the keynote, he could either be first or last.

  12. Todd,
    Just for you I signed into twitter to see if I could find out. Here's what Mike Huckabee tweeted:

    Watch my speech to the NRA online this evening around 9pm est...using this link

  13. I'd like more events like this. I have also liked the Facebook page. Thanks.

  14. Sounds like North is first.

  15. Nolan @ 7:49,
    I was looking for the "like" button. :)

  16. Do you think he'll announce anything tonight?

  17. Anonymous,
    It would be a friendly environment for an announcement since he's been a card carrying member for YEARS - but it's not summer yet so I'm not expecting it.

  18. Granny,

    I you followed the link at the end of this post, you liked the facebook page.

  19. Granny,

    If you followed the link at the end of this post, you liked the facebook page.

  20. But, when I was looking for it I misread it and scrolled down to the bottom of the page. When I didn't see it I signed into FB and searched for it. I liked the RightSpeak page that had 65 likes hoping it was the right one.

  21. This could be a long night, if Mike is last.

  22. He should be on in an hour. He said about 9PM est. I'm not sure if the "est" means estimate or eastern standard time???

  23. Granny,

    It sounds like the right one. You could also do it by hitting the "Find us on Facebook" like button on the face book box in the right column of the site.

  24. I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and now I have a headache. Lack of oxygen from laughing so hard I couldn't breathe right?

  25. He's not the Mike I want to hear!

  26. Standing Ovation!

  27. Holy Heck!

    Not a potty mouth like Trump.

  28. It was an excellent speech.
    Then again, All Mike's speeches are excellent.

  29. Clearly Huckabee's 1st campaign speech for '12. When you are leading in all the polls, you don't have to announce early.
