Tuesday, April 26, 2011

COMING SOON! Mitt Romney Radio

Beginning Wednesday, April 27th EST, you will be able to get your fill of Mitt Romney information:
Join us in an on-air frank discussion about the future of our country, and the steps conservatives will need to take in order to get our economy back on track. Mike Sage, the host of the weekly MittRomneyRadio program, is a prolific writer on conservative politics and other contemporary topics, award-winning public speaker, equities trader, and marketing consultant.
The full story is HERE.

For more information check out the site HERE and be sure to bookmark the site and check back each Wednesday at 3 PM EST.


  1. This sounds like a great idea!

  2. Sounds like a good idea.

    It's always good to create a showcase for particular candidates. Especially when folks are busy and need opportunities to catch up on things.
