Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Away from blogging

Hello everyone

Yesterday, my computer's fan broke down and I am now restrained to using computers in the university's computer centre. My computer will have to be shipped abroad for reparation (why, don't ask me, that's just what they said), so I may be without it for a week or two.

In addition to that, while back in Sweden I got some horrible news. My dad has been diagnosed with cancer, and it could take until next fall until he gets any treatment (socialised health care at work - abandoning you when you need it the most). The Swedish welfare state at work.

Needless to say, it will take a while until I get back to blogging again. See you,



  1. John, I am really sorry to hear about your dad. I'll remember him in my prayers.

  2. John,

    Sorry to hear about your dad. I will keep him in my prayers as well.

  3. And John, if Huck gets in the race I expect you to come right back and write lots of whacky things for me to mock ;)

  4. So sorry about your dad John. I will remember him in my prayers. Take care, and I look forward to hearing from you again.

  5. John, I'm sorry to hear about this, too. All the best to your family and to your dad. Our prayers are with you.


  6. I am very sorry to hear about your dad...he will be in my prayers. Take care...I hope we hear good news from you soon.


  7. Hope everything works out for your dad.

  8. John, I'm sorry for the news, and I pray God heals your father.

  9. Thanks everyone for your prayers.

    DanL, don't worry about that. We'll fight it out ;) Did you know Huckabee is supposed to be on Fox News Sunday this sunday and talk about his aspirations for 2012? Maybe he'll announce then already.

  10. That must be difficult, I too will keep your Father and whole family in my prayers.

  11. John, I'm terribly sorry to hear the news about your father, and I'll offer a prayer for the both of you as well.

    As for Huck's campaign, he can do his own praying ;)

    Your posts will definitely be missed while you're away.
