Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sarah Palin's Alaska subsidized by tax dollars

I'm all in favor of free enterprise and people making money, but I have real problems with the taxpayers backing for-profit enterprises. I'm not a fan of subsidies for stadia, nor of government funding for PBS and NPR.

Imagine my surprise to find this account from Jim Geraghty and the Tax Foundation. Sarah Palin's Alaska was backed to the tune of $1,200,000 by Alaska tax money. That is one third of the total production costs. It is rumored that Sarah cleared $2,000,000 from the venture. That doesn't sound like a small government activist to me.

Here's the link.


  1. Wow!

    How did this tidbit fly under everyone's radar?

    I'm sure that Palin and many of her supporters will argue that the state's gains in tourism will more than make up for their investment.

    Even if that is true, It just doesn't seem right!

  2. Yawwwwwn....

    The deal is between TLC and the state of Alaska. States sudsidize this stuff all the time. Minnesota has been paying subsidies to attract film producers for years.

    Has Mitt ever used state or federal tax subsidies to his advantage?

    Yawwwwwn...Nothing to see here.

  3. Bosman, I'm not saying it's right either, but the deal is with TLC, not Sarah Palin. This stuff happens all of the time. And I agree, it's usually not worth it. Maybe it was in this case, maybe not.

  4. Right Wingnut,

    It is my understanding that Palin produced this series and took about a year to set things up.

    To say that she did not use her influence and contacts in the Govt their to seal the deal and REAP THE BENEFITS, is a little naive.

  5. Turns out Huffpo and the like were pushing this story in early Feb, and it went nowhere. Why a certain Nat Rev. columnist chose to write about it now is curious.

    Geraghty would also be interested to know that Ice Road Truckers and Deadliest Catch get tax breaks as well.

  6. Thanks for the post CTH.

    Many states have MPI's, but more and more are dumping them because they simply don't work. Palin signed Alaska's in 08.

    Interestingly, Mitch Daniels was one of a handful of governors who didn't sign one.

    It's getting harder and harder to see Palin as the ultimate conservative people assume she is.


  7. What would be a really refreshing treat, is to see a Palin suporter NOT fall back on the "Well he did it, too!!!" excuse, whenever their gal is caught in a the trap.

    Answer the freakin' charge as it pertains specifically to St. Sarah Palin.

    If she's all you say she is, it should be easy to do. You don't need to roil and muddy the waters, hiding behind others alleged mis-deeds.

    That's what problem children do grammer school.

  8. Maybe as a "Reality" show it would not qualify for tax subsidies, but as Palin says of her show, "...eight episodes documenting Alaska's resources, what it is that we can contribute to the rest of U.S. to economically and physically secure our union..." it does.

    I also wonder if they got a tax break because they reduced the over-population of halibut?


  9. I might be wrong about Daniels. I've read 2 different things, so who knows.


  10. Doug, there is no misdeed. This came out in Feb. It a freaking "tax credit." It's not a check written out to the producer in advance. Not all producers acquire a tax liability. It's an invitation to film in Alaska. Ice Road Truckers and Deadliest check also get them. Palin did not apply for the tax credit. She may have not even known about it. I'm sure it's standard procedure for the Discovery Network.

    This is no different than Pawlenty giving businesses tax credits for putting a solar panel on the roof, or the stupid ethanol subsidies that he loves so much. Except in those cases, it truly IS a waste of tax-payer dollars. Maybe that's the case in AK too, but until unless we're able to see the financials of SPAK, Ice Road Truckers, and Deadliest Catch - along with data on the economic benefit to AK, we'll never know.

  11. And I suspect Mitt offered tax credits to do business in, or relocate to Massachusetts. All states do.

    This story is a hit piece, pure and simple.

  12. I sure hope Fox News doesn't get tax credits from New York. They might try to pin that on her too.

  13. Here's the commeny I left for Geraghty...


    Your attempt to draw attention this is disturbing on many levels. First of all, it's a "tax credit." I hope the explantion isn't necessary, but a "tax credit" is a dollar for dollar credit against incurred tax liability. You attempted to create the impression that it was a guaranteed subsidy. Even the ADN (not Palin friendly) conceded that not all productions incur a tax liability.

    Second, it's highly unlikely that Palin was involved in the financial planning and tax accounting aspects pf SPAK. Discovery Networks applied for the tax credit, not Sarah Palin. I sure hope Fox News doesn't get a tax break from NYC, or I fear you will try to pin that on her too.

    Third, Is it unusual for Governors to offer businesses tax breaks to businesses as an incentive to conduct commerce in their states? I don't think so. To be fair and balanced, perhaps you should look into the various tax incentives offered to businesses by Pawlenty and Romney.

    Oh, by the way, Ice road Truckers and Deadliest Catch receive tax credits as well.


  14. By the way, Close to Home, that picture is really old. I believe that is Track in the photo with her. It has nothing to do with SPAK.

  15. Dog the bounty hunter rocks!

  16. RWN, I was just looking for a SPA appropriate pic to dress things up a bit. (Oddly, the original poster of that pic labeled it as Sarah Palin hunting Moose. She may have been hunting moose, but that is clearly a caribou she shot.)

    I think the real issue for me was not that all of the others who are taking advantages of those handouts neither signed the law nor speechified the land as a small government advocate. It's the contradiction that is the story.

  17. Oh, it's just a hit piece on poor palin. I read this a while back on other blogs. Of course, since it was printed there first, it could not have been true, right? And RWN, Please, do a 'post' on your romney tidbit!!!! I'll be watching for it later this afternoon. ;)

  18. Not even worth commenting on...RW laid out the facts and then there was silence...because this is a non-story.


  19. The facts are that Sarah Palin signed the tax credit provision into law in 2008, and then took full advantage of it in 2010. If you argue that she didn't know about the tax savings, you also argue that she had no clue about the laws she enacted as govenor.

    Palin is very good about spouting conservative fiscal talking points, but when you look at her record, she has difficulty putting them into practice.


  20. "Doug, there is no misdeed." BINGO!

  21. Trish, do you understand what a tax credit is? Tax credits lure businesses into states. By that comment I am not sure if you are a Republican or a Democrat. It sounds like maybe you're a Democrat because Republicans encourage businesses to do business in their state because it creates jobs and brings money into localities. Tax credits are fiscally conservative.


  22. Poor old Wingnut, he has to spend his entire day defending a quitter. I know it's a 24/7 job, due to Palin's inability to use common sense and the fact that she lacks even an ounce of intelligence.

  23. The state legislature passed the subsidy program in 2008 to encourage media companies to film their projects in Alaska and offers up to 30 percent of the money they spend in the state.

    But in a political age where it’s controversial in many circles to defend public funding of National Public Radio, critics panned Palin for supporting a measure that forced taxpayers to foot the bill for a private media project after many statements from the half term governor in support of a government that only plays a limited role in the economy.

    “I’d bet, like many politicians, Palin’s views on the proper role of government becomes more flexible as it comes closer to her own interests,” wrote the Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney on Tuesday.

    I couldn't agree more, Sarah has and always been about Sarah's interest, and only Sarah's interest.


  24. jd, you almost had me...I almost was able to agree with you and then you had to include a comparison of a tax credit for film companies to do business in Alaska with NPR...a liberal biased radio channel that has zero similarities with the Alaskan legislation that Palin signed into law.

    Do you know the purpose of tax credits?

    Do you realize that your first paragraph rebutted your final sentence?

    Not to mention, that part of her belief in a limited role includes the government's ability to create a good environment for the private sector to thrive...which is exactly what she did. But I know we shouldn't let facts get in the way.


  25. "Do you know the purpose of tax credits?" No, Romneyites do not know this purpose, they only know mandates.

  26. jerseyrepublican,

    I am neither a Republican or Democrat, as neither party is fiscally converative, although the Republicans do a good job of pretending to be. I vote in whichever primary has the most interesting races, and in the general elections have voted for candidates from both the main parties and also from third parties.

    I am, however, a CPA. I understand tax credits very well. I have also observed how often the tax credits meant to "bring business into the state" actually go to cronies of the politicians who enacted them for projects that would have happened in any case. And what other state would "Sarah Palin's Alaska" have been filmed in? The project would have proceeded in any case. She just got a bigger piece of the pie.

    But the real reason I do not believe Palin is a fiscal conservative is her record on earmarks, which she actively pursued as mayor, and taxes, which she raised on oil companies in order to distribute $1,200 checks to all her constituents.

    Just my $.02,

  27. Trish, what a small world...coincedence would have it that I am also a CPA and your second paragraph makes no sense.

    Are you implying that the only reason Sarah Palin made a handsome paycheck for her show in 2010 is because she enacted the tax credit in 2008? Last time I checked she didn't own a DeLorean with a flux capacitor.

    BTW, who do you support for President in 2012? Who did you vote for President in 2008?


    BTW - BTW, I'm not really a CPA...I just thought it was all too convenient that you were...not for your argument though because your certification does not help it

  28. Anyone ever notice how any negative comment regarding the half-term gov makes sense to jerseyrepublican? In reality, Palin makes absolutely no sense, in any regard.

  29. anon, your comment makes "no sense, in any regard."

    Did you proofread that?

  30. jerseyrepublican - of course I'm not implying that. I'm just stating that she did get a bigger piece of the pie than she otherwise would have. Of course in her case it was serendipitous, but I didn't see her refusing the money, either. I guess her love for Alaska only goes so far.

    I also notice you didn't address my concerns about her quest for earmarks or higher taxes on oil companies.

    Right now, I'm leaning towards Ron Paul, should he decide to run. In 2008, I was leaning towards John McCain until he showed his lousy decision-making skills by picking Palin. I wound up voting for Bob Barr (L).


  31. Has anyone else noticed the Palin has been absent from Alaskan politics since she quit (so that she could do more for Alaska)? She has pretty much checked out of Alaska, unless it's something like her reality show where there's money in it for her.


  32. Trish, sorry for the late rebuttal but I don't really go on the internet in the evening or at night so this is the first I'm seeing your reply.

    First, Palin probably did not get a "bigger piece of the pie," the tax credit is for the producer...which in this case is probably The Discovery Channel, they get the credit for doing business in Alaska and bringing business to Alaska. You act as if the credit is a profit...IT'S NOT.

    As to your 2nd paragraph...I'm really not concerned with the pittance of earmarks she tried to get, for Wasilla, while mayor...that's what localities do.

    And as I'm sure you already know...ACES is not a tax on oil companies...it's a profit sharing program based on the Alaskan Constitution that states that the people own the oil.

    The oil companies are posting record multi, multi-billion dollar profits every quarter and just because they lease the land does not give them sole ownership to the oil that sits underneath it. The program gave the state of Alaska a 12 billion dollar surplus while the oil companies continued to make their record breaking profits.

    Sarah Palin did not write the Alaska Constitution...it is the law of their land and according to that law...the people, collectively, own the oil that sits underneath it.

    I'm a bit of a libertarian myself and that is why I support Sarah Palin...she is the perfect embodiment of Conservative and Libertarian thought in our modern, global, society.


  33. dd, is Alaska a state in the United States? Instead of misrepresenting her statement why don't you do a little research and use an open mind...you might just like what you find. There is a reason she had a 90% approval rating.


  34. In my haste...I spelled my own handle wrong...duh...not winning.

