Thursday, March 31, 2011

Palin on the Issues: National Security / Foreign Policy

This is the third installment of a series of posts highlighting Sarah Palin's policy positions. The following is a list of op-eds and Facebook writings by Palin, relating to national security. Following each link, is a brief excerpt from each article.

Over the past two years, Palin has shared her views on Iran, Iraq, border security, Afghanistan, Libya, missile defense, the New START Treaty, and more. In addition to her writings, she frequently discusses national security issues in her speeches and in television interviews. Much to the dismay of some of her loudest critics, it's fairly clear that she has, in fact, "boned up on the issues."

The first two installments of this series (Energy Independence and Entitlement Reform) can be found under the tag, "Palin on the Issues." I will provide updates to these to include Palin's new writings as they become available.


It’s time to get tough with Iran (Dec. 21, 2010)
...President Obama once said a nuclear-armed Iran would be "unacceptable." Yet, Iran's nuclear progress still continues unchecked. Russia continues to support Iran's Bushehr nuclear reactors. It also continues to sell arms to Iran — despite the Obama administration's much-touted "reset" policy with Russia. The administration trumpets the United Nations sanctions passed earlier this year, but those sanctions are not the "crippling" ones we were promised. Much more can be done, such as banning insurance for shipments to Iran, banning all military sales to Iran, ending all trade credits, banning all financial dealings with Iranian banks, limiting Iran's access to international capital markets and banking services, closing air space and waters to Iran's national air and shipping lines, and, especially, ending Iran's ability to import refined petroleum. These would be truly "crippling" sanctions. They would work if implemented....
Senate Republicans: Vote No on New START (Dec 17th, 2010)
...New START recognizes a link between offensive and defensive weapons – a position the Russians have sought for years. Russia claims the treaty constrains U.S. missile defenses and that they will withdraw from the treaty if we pursue missile defenses. This linkage virtually guarantees that either we limit our missile defenses or the Russians will withdraw from the treaty. The Obama administration claims that this is not the case; but if that is true, why agree to linking offensive and defensive weapons in the treaty?...
Facebook Posts (15):

Here’s to Libya’s Freedom (Feb. 22nd, 2011)
...Gaddafi is a brutal killer and Libya – not to mention the world – would be better off if he were out of power. Now is the time to speak out. Speak out for the long-suffering Libyan people. Speak out for the victims of Gaddafi’s terror. NATO and our allies should look at establishing a no-fly zone so Libyan air forces cannot continue slaughtering the Libyan people. We should not be afraid of freedom, especially when it comes to people suffering under a brutal enemy of America. Here’s to freedom from Gaddafi for the people of Libya...
Happy Veterans Day (Nov. 10th, 2010)
...It’s the Soldier, not the reporter, Who has given us the freedom of the press. It’s the Soldier, not the poet, Who has given us the freedom of speech. It’s the Soldier, not the politicians, Who ensures our right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It’s the Soldier who salutes the flag, Who serves beneath the flag, And whose coffin is draped by the flag.
Humility and Honesty About Iraq Can Inspire Trust (August 31, 2010)
...As Americans tune in to watch President Obama, it is important to remember the facts. He opposed the surge. He predicted it would fail. He said it would make things worse even after it dramatically improved the situation. He voted to cut off funds for our brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines fighting in Iraq. For months he refused to accept that the surge he fought was actually a spectacular success. As President Obama usually likes to look backwards and declare the state of everything to be “George Bush’s fault,” my hope is that tonight he stays consistent and looks backwards, and in this case acknowledges that credit should be given where credit is due...
Peace Through Strength and American Pride vs. “Enemy-Centric” Policy (Freedom Fest Partial Speech Transcript (June 30th, 2010)
...When George W. Bush came into office, he inherited a military that had been cut deeply, an al Qaeda that had been unchallenged, and an approach to terrorism that focused on bringing court cases rather than destroying those who sought to destroy us. We saw the result of some of that on 9/11. When President Obama came into office, he inherited a military that was winning in Iraq. He inherited loyal allies and strong alliances. And thanks to the lamestream media pawing and purring over him, he had the benefit of unparalleled global popularity. What an advantage! So their basic foreign policy outlines should have been clear. Commit to the War on Terror. Commit to winning – not ending, but winning the war in Afghanistan. Commit to the fight against violent Islamic extremism wherever it finds sanctuary. Work with our allies. Be resolute with our adversaries. Promote liberty, not least because it enhances our security. Unfortunately, these basic principles seem to have been discarded by Washington...
Mr. President, do your job. Secure our border (May 16th, 2010)
Let’s respect the hardworking, accomplished legal immigrants who sacrificed much, contributed selflessly, and helped build America into the greatest melting pot on earth! We need to understand the importance of America’s fair immigration laws. Erasing U.S. borders will destroy our country as we become less safe – and this national security issue is what Arizona and other border states are addressing with reinforcement of federal immigration laws. They have to do it because the feds aren’t doing it...
Peace Not Possible if Iran Escapes Real Sanctions (March 30th, 2010)
...Many, many Americans and our allies know that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons, the consequences will be catastrophic for our interests in the Middle East, and we want our government to do everything in its power to prevent Iran from acquiring nukes. We foresee a regional nuclear arms race beginning as other countries seek their own nuclear weapons to protect themselves from Iran. Nuclear non-proliferation efforts would be over. The U.S. and our allies in the international community would be shown to be impotent – after long claiming that Iranian nuclear weapons could not and would not be tolerated. And Israel would face the gravest threat since its creation. Iran’s leaders have repeatedly called for the destruction of Israel and with nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, the mullahs would be in a position to launch a Second Holocaust...
Needed: A Reset with Israel (March 16th, 2010):
...Last October, Secretary of State Clinton recognized Israel’s desire for peace in the Middle East and praised Israel’s “unprecedented” concessions for agreeing to halt settlement construction in the West Bank, a concession that did NOT include halting construction of apartments for Jews in Jerusalem. Even last week after planned construction was announced, Vice President Biden still expressed “appreciation” for the “significant” steps taken by the Israeli government to address this minor issue. Now, however, we see the Obama Administration has decided to escalate, make unilateral demands of Israel, and threaten the very foundation of the US-Israel relationship. This is quickly leading to the worst crisis in US-Israel relations in decades, and yet this did not have to happen. More importantly, it needs to stop before it spirals out of control. Vice President Biden should rein in the overheated Obama Administration rhetoric and chill the political spin masters’ fire as they visit the Sunday media shows to criticize Israel...
Stand Up for SEALs Standing Up for Us (March 5th, 2010)
...These brave warriors belong in combat, not in the courthouse. They captured the most wanted terrorist in Iraq. We may never know how many other heroic missions they undertook on behalf of our country. The charges should be dropped, and they should be returned to their unit – with our gratitude for their service....
It’s War, not a Crime Spree (Jan 5th, 2010)
There's a very serious downside to treating them as criminals: terrorists invoke their “right” to remain silent and stop talking. Terrorists don’t tell us where they were trained, what they were trained in, who they were trained by, and who they were trained with. Giving foreign-born, foreign-trained terrorists the right to remain silent does nothing to keep Americans safe from terrorist threats. It only gives our enemies access to courtrooms where they can publicly grandstand, and to defense attorneys who can manipulate the legal process to gain access to classified information....
Finally, A Decision for Afghanistan: We're In It to Win It (Dec 1st, 2009)
...We should be clear, however, that fewer troops mean assuming more risk. Talk of an exit date also risks sending the wrong message. We should be in Afghanistan to win, not to set a timetable for withdrawal that signals a lack of resolve to our friends, and lets our enemies believe they can wait us out...
Obama Administration's Atrocious Decision (Nov 13th, 2009)
...Criminal defense attorneys will now enter into delaying tactics and other methods in the hope of securing some kind of win for their “clients.” The trial will afford Mohammed the opportunity to grandstand and make use of his time in front of the world media to rally his disgusting terrorist cohorts. It will also be an insult to the victims of 9/11, as Mohammed will no doubt use the opportunity to spew his hateful rhetoric in the same neighborhood in which he ruthlessly cut down the lives of so many Americans.
Commemorating a Victory for Freedom (Nov 8th, 2009)
... Berlin Wall came down because millions of people behind the Iron Curtain refused to accept the fate of enslavement and their supporters in the West refused to accept that the “captive nations” would remain captive forever...
We Must Win in Afghanistan (Oct 6th, 2009)
...Our allies and our adversaries are watching to see if we have the staying power to protect our interests in Afghanistan. I recently joined a group of Americans in urging President Obama to devote the resources necessary in Afghanistan and pledged to support him if he made the right decision. Now is not the time for cold feet, second thoughts, or indecision -- it is the time to act as commander-in-chief and approve the troops so clearly needed in Afghanistan.
Thoughts from Hong Kong (Sept 23rd, 2009)
...Now in the region I want to emphasize today: The reason I speak about defense is because our strong defense posture in Asia has helped keep the region safe and allowed it to prosper. Our Asian allies get nervous if they think we are weakening our security commitments. I worry about defense cuts not because I expect war but because I so badly want peace. And the region has enjoyed peace for so long because of our security commitment to our longstanding allies and partners...
Governor Palin Stresses Need for Strong Missile Defense Capability (April 6th, 2009)
...Governor Palin stressed the importance of Fort Greely and the need for continued funding for the Missile Defense Agency. The governor is firmly against U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates' proposed $1.4 billion reduction of the Missile Defense Agency. Greely's isolated location in Alaska as well as its strategic location in the Pacific allows for maximum security and development of the country's only ground-based missile defense complex. "Our early opposition to reduced funding for the Missile Defense Agency is proving to be well-founded during this turbulent time," Governor Palin said. "I continue to support the development and implementation of a defensive missile shield based in Alaska. We are strategically placed to defend the critical assets of the United States and our allies in the Pacific Theater."...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Another example of Mrs. Palin being one of the few grown ups in the room

  3. RW,

    Good post! If I was Palin fan, this is exactly what I would do -- focus the attention on Palin's policy positions.

    As far as Iran goes, it is my understanding that the UN sanctions does ban military dealings with Iran as well as direct dealings with the Revolutionary Guard. Perhaps most importantly, the resolution encouraged individual countries to pass their own sanctions. The US congress passed sanctions that were much more crippling that what the UN passed. The major problem is not the sanctions but the carrying out of the sanctions, especially in regards to China. Chinese businesses have continuously filled the gap in Iran's oil sector where businesses from other countries have left. Of course, President Obama will need to balance enforcing the sanctions with maintaining relations with one of the world's growing economic powers. But I think that there needs to be more calls to get tough with China about their oil relations with Iran.

  4. Pablo,

    Good info on the sanctions. Perhaps you should write a post on it.

    I added a FB note about Israel that I inadvertantly missed, as pointed out by a FR commenter.

  5. I'm glad that Palin's positions are being posted now.

    It gives everyone a chance to compare the candidates on substance rather than feelings.

  6. Are these Sarah's words....or RAMS? They seem to coherent to be Sarah's.

  7. I'm not trying to be critical here., but if I were advising Palin, I would have her write down a policy statement on all the major issues.

    It appears that Much of those Facebook posts were in response to events of the day. Pretty much what we do here when we comment.

    Romney at least has his book to fall back on and much of the base his policies come from that.

    It's just a thought, not anything to set off a shock wave.

  8. Bos, She will obviously do that if she runs for president. Mitt will have to do the same. His book doesn't include commentary and views on the events of the past year.

  9. Another though on that...I think the value "policy book" is often overstated. First of all, they're boring as hell. Only hard core supporters and a few political junkies read that stuff. What are we talking 300,000-400,000 people tops? Since I didn't read Mitt's book, I have to rely on you guys for the information. If it's posted on Facebook, or written in an op-ed, everyone has access to it at no charge, and it gets repeated and linked to by the media and blogosphere.

    In addition, a book opens up the possibility of more flip-flop accusations, since it's written based on the events occuring at the time the book is written.

  10. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

    Pawlenty’s book sells fewer than 5,000 copies the first week

    I'm sure sales took off after the book tour. ;)

  11. More people probably read that Hot Air post, than the total number of people who have read his book.

  12. I'm not a Palin supporter but a post like this is good.

    It beats the bickering back and forth between the Palinites and Rombots.

    It also gives people a source for those who want to find out where Palin stands on a particular issue, a place to come.

    Well done RWN.

  13. get over it folks, palin ain't runnin' for nothin', guaranteeeed

  14. Great post. Old news to Palinistas. She has plenty of Facebook posts, op/eds, transcripts of speeches on Facebook and other places. But she doesn’t just talk and write well.

    Many politicians repeat TPM conservative talk really well, and proclaim they have the fortitude needed to implement right changes. Sarah Palin lives TPM conservative talk, and SHOWS she has the fortitude needed to implement right changes.

    Obeyme still has her on his mind - “Drill baby drill”. Can anybody on the left get her out of their mind long enough to stop attacking her? We should not let his media choose who we shouldn’t vote for.
