Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Huckabee reaches out to donors during booktour

One of the most-used arguments from those who claim that Huckabee won’t run is that he has done nothing to build up a donor base and organization.

Well, that’s about to change:

Huckabee said that a national tour to promote his new book, “A Simple Government,” which includes a number of stops in key primary states will help him gauge interest in his possible candidacy among both voters and professional operatives who might join his campaign. “Quite frankly, part of the process is to be able to gauge reaction to the message,” Huckabee said of his book tour and how it plays into his decision to run again in 2012.

He’ll also contact potentional donors and build up his organization:

But Huckabee also acknowledged that he was looking to hire staff to help with the organizational and financial details of a possible campaign, which he admitted were a weak point of his. He said he was concerned, also, that an early start to the campaign would wear down that infrastructure. [...] The former Arkansas governor said he’ll spend part of his book tour reaching out to potential donors in staff, in addition to his public events.

Full article: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/145383-huckabee-lays-out-criteria-for-deciding-on-2012-run

John Gustavsson


  1. Soooo...this means that Huck will have a collection plate sitting on the table where he is signing books. I hope he remembers to declare those donations so we don't have a Buffetgate scandal.


  2. Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.

    When he actual DOES something, let us know.

  3. First, I don't think he's running. If he is, and thinks he can win with such a nonchalant approach, he's dead wrong. No reluctant warriors, please.

    Second: What does he bring? Nothing much beyond fake folksiness. I might be able to overlook the vitriol, the religion-baiting, the 1000 criminal commutations, if I believed he had something substantial to offer as a candidate or as POTUS, but he doesn't. He's not the man to fix the mess we're in.


  4. The two potential candidates who have had the most serious and professional approach to the 2012 run are Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. Mitt especially has a firmly and well established organization which includes fund-raising. Mike Huckabee admits that fund-raising is his weakness. I just don't think his halfhearted approach in an area where he admits he is weak is an ingredient to a winning campaign.

  5. Enough of the nagative comments on huckabee!!!

    This is why he keeps playing the "victim" card. I dont need to see him whining and complaining anymore than he does now.
