Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mitt Romney meets with Chris Christie in NJ

Gov. Chris Christie hosted a frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday night, sitting down with Mitt Romney for dinner at the governor's mansion.

Nearly two dozen people, including some of Christie's top political advisers and party leaders, gathered for the meeting with the former Massachusetts governor at Drumthwacket, according to three sources.
The complete story is here:

Of note, Romney had backed Christie for Governor when his poll numbers were low and it was thought he had little hope of winning. Over the course of Christie's campaign, Romney stumped with him several times on the campaign trail.


  1. There is no doubt in my mind, that Christie will back Romney.

    He probably wanted to get the inside scoop from Mitt so he would have a reason to hold off on his endorsement if some he likes not as much asks first.


  2. There was some Romney buzz 2 weeks ago about a bold move. Maybe a VP announcement to coincided with his primary campaign.

    Does anyone think a Romney-Christie ticket is plausible?

  3. That wouldn't be a bad ticket other than they're both from the NE.
