Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mitt Romney's Free & Strong America Pac 2010 financial numbers

I found this site that had Mitt Romney's PAC's financial information provided by the Center For Responsive Politics.

Here are some of the links from the graphs above with further information:

To view expenditures
List of recipients
List of major donors
List of donors giving $200+
Actual documents filed

If you would like to see the other 2012er's PAC information, here it is:

Mike Huckabee
Sarah Palin
Tim Pawlenty
Haley Barbour
Rick Santorum
Jim DeMint
Mike Pence
John Thune 
Newt Gingrich (I found no information)


  1. Thanks for putting all this together Bosman.

    It's interesting that other than DeMint, Romney has left the others in the dust when it comes to fund raising and donations to candidates.

    You won't see this touted on the news media

  2. Interesting stuff!


  3. They really have all the details here for everyone to see. Donors and all. The info is Quite thorough.
