Friday, December 24, 2010

Conservative Hispanics to hold a Conference

There is a conference in Florida scheduled for early January sponsored by the Hispanic Leadership Network which is part of the American Action Network.

It seems the conference goal is to better the relationship between center right Hispanics and the Republican Party. Jeb Bush and former U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez will co-chair the event.

To view a tentative agenda go HERE.

There is already buzz out there as to which of the 2012 hopefuls will attend this event. At this point, only Tim Pawlenty is a yes. Mitt Romney, John Thune, Mitch Daniels, and Rick Perry have declined.

More on that story HERE.

Politico also has a recent article on new efforts to bring Republicans and Latino together. They say it's spelled, JEB. The following video is a Politico summation of those efforts:


  1. I'm thinking that Romney has a scheduling conflict. Perhaps he will reconsider and attend. I wouldn't be surprised if the others reconsider as well.


  2. Being 1/4 Hispanic myself, I'm glad that there is an effort to bring Latinos into the Republican fold.

  3. I see there are still speaking and panelist spots available. I'll check my calendar to see if I'm available.

  4. I am afraid that Romney nor the rest of the Republican hopefuls will be attending this event. It is the base versus the Latino community. And the Latino community (for the large part) doesn't vote in Republican primaries.

  5. I have a sneaky suspicion that Jeb Bush is keeping his name in the news lately for OTHER reasons. Anyone agree?

  6. Unfortunately some very vocal elements of the GOP would view reaching out to conservative Hispanics as sign of being pro-amnesty and soft on illeagl immigration.

    They fail to see this growing demographic, which has very conservative core values, could be a very powerful and beneficial asset to the party going forward.

    The irony of this myopic thinking, is that these very same people are so enthralled with Marco Rubio, a Hispanic Conservative.
