Saturday, November 20, 2010

Free Republic and Mitt Romney. Not a match made in heaven.

Attention Romney supporters! You might want to scoot on over to Free Republic and defend Mitt's honor. The first comment on every post is as follows:
...Just to be absolutely clear, there will never ever be a RINO Romney campaign on FR!! If he somehow becomes the nominee, FR will be running a full-time campaign to DEFEAT him!! If you wish to support him then I suggest you sign off FR and onto Wankers for Mitt!!
The first sentence in the statement is a bit harsh, so I decided not to include it. The comment includes a video and a link to the Romney Truth File.
I suspect this was put up by the folks who run Free Republic. The purpose of my post is to inform, not to agitate.


  1. Right Wingnut,

    I find THIS file there much more interesting.

  2. Yes, Ann...there is an anti-Palin faction at FR as well. Just about everyone gets savaged to some extent.

  3. The problem people have with Romney is that he doesn't come across as authentic and indeed he does tend to flip flops on so many issues that it's confusion for many.....but the biggest thing is that there is a push with the grassroots movement and Mitt hanging around the traditional, establishment country clubbers doesn't jive in with them

  4. traditional, country clubber, establishment Republican.November 20, 2010 at 10:15 PM

    "but the biggest thing is that there is a push with the grassroots movement and Mitt hanging around the traditional, establishment country clubbers doesn't jive in with them"

    Well with Mitt winning most polls and being the favorite among moderates and independents as well, The minority grassroots can.....well.....stay in the minority.

  5. Polls two years before an election or even a few months before the primaries are historically meaningless......ask Guiliani, Steve Forbes, Paul Tsongas, Bush Sr in 1980, and the no name guys leading in polls in 1974 where Carter was at 2% or something......the grassroots movement is real and big and they are not going away anytime soon, it's foolish for the Republican party to ignore them, or it will go the way of the Whig party, you know full well that many conservatives have been abandoning the party for many years because the party wants to at liberal-lite at times

  6. Actually....Mitt has slipped substantially in the polls...especially the PPP state by state polls. If the slide continues at the same rate between now and February, his campaign will be a non-starter. The anti-Mitt bandwagon is just starting. If it wasn't for RomneyCare, he'd probably win in a walk. It's just a case of really bad timing for Mitt. You can throw out all the anti-palin stuff you want. There is nothing you, or anyone else can say that hasn't already been said over and over and over. She has been taking the slings and arrows for the team for over two years now.

  7. Yep...Mitt time was 2008, it was setup for him to win....but the times has change and that same old Establishment play won't work in 2012...Mitt is a good guy but like historians say "The times brings about the leaders, not the leaders bring about the times"

  8. She has been taking the slings and arrows for the team for over two years now."

    There hasn't been anyone as selfless, devoted, heroic, stalwart, dedicated, noble and so perfect as Sarah, ever before in history, or at least in my lifetime. How fortunate we are to live in her world.

    Let's just have the coronation today and be done with it.

    BTW, here's a nice little dose of reality from what used to be the pro-Palin Weekly Standard, to read before tonight's "reality show" episode:

  9. The Free Republic? Seriously? The Fringiest of the Fringe.

    (Assuming "Fringiest" is a word. But hey, maybe it will be the new "Refudiate" and I can get in on the celebrating of illiteracy racket.)

  10. Doug, say what you want about Free Republic, but I find it a bit alarming that so many of the 300,000 FR members have pledged to stay home in '12 if Romney is the nominee. Some of them may not think Palin is pure enough either, but it's unlikely that she would have the same problem with so many conservative voters. Although there is a "fringe" element on FR, Palin has a huge following on the site. Fringe, or non-fringe--the opposition to Romney on the site is virtually unanimous. Even I wince at some of the stuff posted about Mitt.

  11. A Mormon not for Romney for President

    I was for Romney in 2008 and supported him in the Republican caucuses in Colorado. But not this year.

    To me, he crashed and burned over his Romneycare.

    It’s not that he pushed this through in Massachusetts, it’s his blindness in how he continues to defend it.

    They played his answer on Special Report, and it’s so weak. He talks like there is a difference of night and day between Romneycare and Obamacare because his was a state program and Obamacare is federal, where health care isn’t a legitimate function of the federal government.

    Mitt, that is so WEAK! So what you are saying is that you want to keep the federal government from forcing me to buy insurance and driving up the cost of health care, but you want each state to come in then and do the exact same thing. You totally lost me with that position. There is a lot wrong with government-run healthcare, and to me which level of government does it, that’s a minor point.

    Mitt, you’re a great man, a great leader. You did wonders with the Olympics and all those failing companies you turned around. But I think that history just maneuvered you out of this job. The battle in 2012 is to repeal Obamacare, and your trumpet gives an uncertain sound. I hate to say that to a brother in the Gospel, but that’s how I feel.

  12. Freeper's are free to do as they please. they have a self-procalimed base of 300,000. I don't know if that taht's big or small in the scheme of things. A lot of those voices are repeated on other sites, so pool of people who actually feel as they do is open to debate.

    The bigger question you seemed to be concerned about is whether or not Romney can overcome the Health Care issue. None of knows that at this point. That's what a campaign is for. McCain was believed to have no chance, by many of these same voices calling Romney DOA, and he won the nomination. Time will tell.

    I for one am not going to be alarmed by every snippett, qoute, blog that comes out against Romney. In fact, the more the fevers runs high now, the better. All this will be old news by the time the campaign really starts.

    Today Ireland reversed itself and is now seeking a bailout. The world economy, as well as our own is still shaky and weak. There are a host of issues which will go into people's ultimate decision in 2012. Health Care is just part of the puzzle.

  13. Ann,

    Thanks for the "Palin Truth files link".

  14. I love that link on the Romney Truth File about MA spending 37 million on healthcare for illegal immigrants under "Romneycare." Here in CA, without that dastardly Romneycare, we spend 1.4 billion on them.

  15. I just checked out the Freeper site. What a sick site. For them to go to all the trouble of inserting that Romney warning into every thread, reminds me of Jack Nicholson in the The Shining, typing the same words over and over again.

    They really need help over there. I'm really gonna lose a lot of sleep over what some far rignt-half nazi group of knuckle-draggers think. Not very likely.

  16. "GetReal said...

    I love that link on the Romney Truth File about MA spending 37 million on healthcare for illegal immigrants under "Romneycare." Here in CA, without that dastardly Romneycare, we spend 1.4 billion on them.'

    What they fail to mention is that Romney vetoed covering illegals. They were added later along with dental by Governor Patrick.


  17. What they fail to mention is that Romney vetoed covering illegals. They were added later along with dental by Governor Patrick--Zeke

    That's what happens when you create the framework for a government run program. Mitt knew going in that the Dems had the votes to override his veto. In addition, it was inevitible that someone even more progressive than Mitt (Patrick) would come along and tweek the program to their liking. That's the long term goal of the progressives for ObamaCare as well. Obama is on tape admitting that though it will take 10-15 years, his approach will lead to single payer.

  18. RWN,

    Give it a rest. When HE LEFT, no illegals were getting HE. It's Patrickcare there now!

  19. Rev, What part of "that's what happens when you create the framework for a government run program" don't you understand?

  20. RWN, you don't think they had the votes to pass whatever Health Care legislation they wanted in Massachusetts? They could have gotten something a lot worse without Romney's input, over his veto just the same.

  21. The difference between Romneycare and Obamacare is that Mass. would have passed a healthcare bill with or without Romney. He just brought some sanity to the bill that would have been passed in a much more extreme format without him.
