Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time To Stand Up To The Brainwashed Fox News Viewers

I am always amazed talking to the ABR voter. You know, the kind of person that only consumes Fox News and therefore is uninformed. The ABR voter really does believe that Gingrich would eat Obama's lunch. Thankfully, those of us who dip our noses into reality have a great smattering of empirical proof to back up our claims. The most recent polling shows an electoral vote that would look something like this.

  • Romney – 256
  • Obama – 256
  • Tie – 26
  • Obama – 451
  • Gingrich – 76
  • Tie – 11
Nobody needed to see these polls to believe that Newt is unelectable (except for the Fox News viewer). For anybody who follows political events closely, the average swing voter's antipathy to Newt Gingrich is well understood. Yet, Fox News has a way of insulating their viewers from the outside world, mainly by claiming that their cable news channel is the only fair and balanced sheriff in town (well, and Joe Arpaio). Here is Greta Van Sustereen, doing some fine political analysis on why Obama is attacking Romney only.
"It's funny because I think that they should be more worried about Gingrich in a general than Romney.

I actually was suspicious about whether or not this anti-Romney web ad was payback for something that Governor Romney did to President Obama about a week ago in an web in which there was a misstatement in the ad.

They played an ad in which they said President Obama did something, but if you dig deep, it as President Obama quoting John McCain. So it was a little bit dirty, so I thought it was just payback."
This is why I hammer Fox News and talk radio all the time! They are literally brainwashing 1/2 of the Republican Party. Literally. Let me explain what is at play here.

1. Fox News wants ratings. It is a reality TV show fixated on maximizing their intended market. They are certainly not any sort of journalistic outfit.

2. Their audience is loud and angry and are gearing to fight. They believe that socialism is upon us and we need to get back to the 1950s. They are not the kinds of people who want a Mitt Romney, who has been accused of working with Democrats in the past.

3. Greta cannot rationally analyze what a general election would likely look like. This would offend her audience. So she goes with the exact opposite. In fact, she probably got orders from the top to make sure she pushes Newt, a former Fox News contributor. After all, her audience will eat it up.

4. And this is how so many Republicans can be so clueless. Fox News brainwashes them into thinking that Newt Gingrich is brilliant, Obama is a socialist, the poor need to have their taxes raised and middle American is doing just fine.

What the non-Fox News voter in the Republican Party will need to assess is how to fight back. We are the minority and we are being taken over by the crazies. Even if Romney slips through the primaries and wins the general election, it will only be because the Fox News crowd sent Newt Gingrich after him. Even if Romney wins, we will still be the minority.

And if he loses...

Rombots and rational Republicans, if you do not stand up and fight the Republican establishment (Fox News and talk radio), then you will lose the Republican Party. If you haven't already.

Occupy Fox News?

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  1. Great call to arms Pablo! I 100% agree with you on all counts. I was thinking of posting the poll analysis that you linked, but couldn't dredge up the desire to write commentary. You did a fine job.

    I predict that if Newt is the nominee, and it is looking like he will be, that the end result of the election will be worse for Newt than these numbers represent. Most voters have forgotten, or never known, about all of Newt's corruption or his incredibly immoral life. The Obama maching will eviscerate an already much disliked candidate.

    I am afraid that you and I and the 20% or so of the party that thinks like us have already lost the party and are not welcome in it.


  2. Dan,

    The sad reality is that Romney or Huntsman could win. They appeal to most of the country and only reason why reason why Romney doesn't do better is because he has to try to appeal to a bunch uninformed clowns that watch Fox News.

    I think that we need to be direct. If we want the party back then we have to contiuously call out talk radio and Fox News. That is the problem.

    I am a conservative who believes in less government spending, a robust national defense, and the sanctity of life and yet I have no rational party to swear allegiance to.

  3. Sometimes I wonder if Obama doesn't just sit back and think, "Thank you, idiots (Fox News)" I mean, Obama has the good fortune of having the conservative establishment take out his only opponent. What a charmed life this man leads.

  4. Actually, I think there is more variety of opinion on Fox news than there is in a great deal of the rest of conservative media. They have been appalling during this primary season and that goes for Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard. Rich Lowry of National Review, Rush Limbaugh and an assortment of idiots on the radio.

  5. Dan L:

    I don't think Gingrich will be the nominee. I really don't. I am not saying it is impossible, but most Republicans are not that stupid.

    I hear he is out lecturing Cain on morality today. The hypocricy is just unlike anything I have ever seen. Really. It is.

  6. And btw, I am a Romney supporter and I do watch Fox News from time to time. I do not watch msnbc...not after their treatment of Bush.

  7. Terrye,

    Two of the people you mentioned are regular Fox fixtures. And it goes beyond the whole Romney thing. Romney is just a man. Fox News preaches propaganda. Various studies have shown that Fox News viewers are more misinformed than viewers of other stations.

  8. Terrye,

    I read Red State from time to time. But there is a difference between only consuming those forms of information and consuming them every now and then.

  9. I can't fathom Gingrich being the nominee. It really comes down to the grassroots campaigning in each state. Particularly the early states (to gain momentum).

    Romney has already started on Iowa. Sure, he may be a little late in starting. He isn't running around in national news showing his hand. He realizes he needs to reach out to Iowans individually and on a personal level. The mailers help with this.

    I expect he will be doing this with each state leading up to their caucus/primary/etc.

    Will Newt self destruct like the others? Not likely - he knows how to perform on stage. But he is a built-in time bomb (like McCain), with enough of a troubled past to matter.

  10. "Various studies have shown that Fox News viewers are more misinformed than viewers of other stations." Yes I image they would be misinformed about the finers points of liberalism, socialism, secularism, cronyism and other issues involving pop culture.

  11. This post reminds me of the third verse of that old children's song:

    Everybody hates me,
    Nobody likes me,
    Guess I'll go eat worms.
    Fat ones, skinny ones,
    Big ones, little ones,
    Guess I'll go eat worms.

  12. Pablo...so what if they are on Fox from time to time...National Review and Weekly Standard are not Fox news and the truth is most conservative pundits have been anti Romney..whether they are at Fox news or not.

  13. It's the entire conservative media. They're all in the tank for stupidity if it means revenue.


  14. Gingrich is the next manifestation of John McCain, and Barack Obama has already beaten that man once.

    White-haired GOP congressional relic of yesterday, cheated on his wife, "whoops I'm sorry, I'm better than everyone else, I'm broke in this campaign but the media's footing my advertising bill, they're going easy on me, wait til I get the nom, then they'll really love me...right?"

    Let's not put up that kind of guy again. We did it last time, and the GOP regretted it. We have a chance to elect Romney, let's take it.

    Pass on Newt. Vote for Mitt.

  15. So Conservatism is now stupid Martha?

  16. OJ, the jig is up. The conservative media is not conservative. They are for clicks, listens, revenue, period. The sooner you realize that, the better off we are.

    They know their clientele are idiots.


  17. The day they signed on to Newt--either outwardly, or refusing to tell the truth about him, they relinquished their credibility on all matters conservative.


    I don't watch to FOX, and never have. It drives me bonkers.

  18. Condescending again, Pablo. Btw, I don't disagree with this post, but the tone is--sadly--lacking. Can't we just leave behind the, "I'm more intelligent than you are" tone, please? I am still hoping that some of these people really look at Newt before they vote for him.


  19. Pablo, what are the demographics of FOX viewers. I would really like to know.


  20. "what are the demographics of FOX viewers." Gee, perhaps some of them really understand capitalism, economics, the Constitution and state's Rights unlike the washy washy know nothings who blindly follow the drive bys.

  21. OJ
    Conservatism is not stupid. It obviously just lacks core beliefs and flip flops far too often for me. It seems, of late, to gravitate towards candidates without any moral compass


  22. AZ,

    If calling them "brainwashed" is bad tone then I am just going to have to have bad tone. They are brainwashed. There is no other word the describes it like that. And I gave one example. I could give you a million. Fox News is an echo chamber and the people who dwell there have lost a sense of reality.


    I think that I am going to do some research about the demographics of Fox News, although I would think that would be information that is not readily accessible.


    Repeat after me: You do not own conservatism. I am so tired of hearing you say that Romney and his supporters aren't conservative. What I am encouraging Romney folks to do is to fight back against this crap. That is why I attack Fox News and talk radio because they are brainwashing you. And if you want to go at it, the we will go at it. But I am not going to hand over a centuries long political movement, that goes back to Edmund Burke, to a bunch of lunatic, fringe blowhards who have mastered the art of demagoguery so that they can take your money.

  23. http://www.nationalreview.com/primary-event/283498/rivals-never-attacked-gingrich-recent-debates-katrina-trinko

  24. Time for a change


  25. Listen, I personally think we lose no matter which of the bozos are the nominee...BUT...I am starting to wish that Romney is the nominee so I don't have to read endless, pointless posts, like this, magnified to the nth degree with make believe, religious bigotry and the endless talk of Fox News and Talk Radio and the Tea Party(which is just Romney So-Cons way of denigrating the Far Right...which they should be a member of since they're ideologically more Far Right than most Tea Party members) and blah, blah, blah...

    Romney supporters really are the worse of the worse and this site is living, breathing proof of it. Throughout this entire primary process, whoever gave Romney an inkling of competition...the Rombots, on this site, ferociously attacked. Not only did they attack the candidates on anything and everything...they attacked the supporters of the candidates as well.

    In my opinion...if Romney does lose this thing...he has three things to blame:

    1. Most importantly he should blame himself...once again he has ran a horrible campaign. For a man who is supposed to be so righteous...once again he proves he loves to get in the mud and sling it...it's 2008 all over again.

    2. He can blame his horrible campaign. I get taking the summer off and keeping a low profile...let the other candidates duke it out with each other for second place...but it seems like Romney has taken the fall off as well. There really needs to be some new people involved in campaigns because this lot(involved in every candidate's campaign) is horrible and they all should be embarrassed.

    3. The last group of people to blame are his supporters. You are the most unwelcoming, closed minded, group of people I have ever met. You attack anything that is not Romney...you attack with such personal assault that you end up alienating the voters you need to win a primary and a general election.

    Why do you guys think Newt is surging so much...wait for it...because he opened the door for Palin supporters. He and his campaign and his supporters were welcoming and complimentary and his intelligence gained the respect of a lot of the Palin supporters and it will most likely help put him over the edge.

    You guys continue to dig you own hole and you can now, barely, climb your way out of it.


  26. Pablo, regarding your response to OJ...you deal in the same type of demagoguery as those you belittle and attack. It's really quite insulting that you believe you know better than everybody else in the party. It's so easy to blame Fox News and the Far Right(you prefer Tea Party because you can't equate Romney with the Tea Party even though you can equate him to the Far RIght according to his beliefs) for Romney's own flaws.

    The only reason you despise Gingrich, so much, is because he is liked by the Tea Party and Fox News. What would you do if Romney became a Tea Party darling or a preferred candidate of the boogeyman that is Fox News?

    This is just a guess but I think you probably started dating a Democrat about a year ago...you really don't want to lose your identity as you join hers so instead of outwardly hating your party you have decided to take a stance against the Tea Party and Fox News...my guess you are a reasonable, conservative hero to this young woman...she can now defend you.


  27. Jersey,

    Bravo!!!! Also...what he said!


  28. Jersey,

    Your comments need to be re-posted in the cBox & other posts.


  29. Jersey and AJR,

    I am so sick of your whining. I am starting to regret ever having tried to find common ground or make nice with you guys and OJ and RW. I will refrain from coming to your defense in the future since this is the conintuing treatment that you give to me and the MANY other Romney supporters here who have made attempts to be friendly towards you.


  30. AJR, thanks but you might be a little biased but then again, I'll take any praise offered...

    I was thinking about writing out an entire post, to submit to Bosman, about the 3 reasons why Romney might not win and it would be based on that comment but I realized it would fall on deaf ears...so what's the point...


  31. DanL...what are you talking about? Must I always mention you and GetReal and AZ...et al, as exceptions to the rule of the common Romney supporter on this site?


    You're outnumbered on this site by brainless, cultist, hero worshippers.

    If you have a problem with what I wrote, why not debate me on the specifics?

    I'm sorry but Pablo is on a futile crusade to demean anyone he feels is not as intelligent as he is. I've said in the past that I like Pablo...I think he's a smart guy and I've enjoyed debating him in the past but he is now condescending.

    I understand you share a similar distaste for Talk Radio and Fox News but you don't share the superior attitude about the viewers and listeners of those entities.


  32. BTW DanL, who's whining? It seems to me that every other post on this site is a smear attempt at every other candidate that's the flavor of the week. It seems to me that Pablo is whining about those darn, whaskily Fox News viewers...stomp my feet.

    Everybody hates Romney's religion.

    Talk about whining...


  33. Also...don't be "friendly" towards me if you look down on my beliefs, whom I support and what media I CHOOSE to watch or listen to.

    SHH don't tell anybody...I don't watch Fox News and I don't listen to Talk Radio...


  34. DanL,

    What is the bug up your ass lately? Nobody was talking to or about you. Do we have to write the exemption for you, Noelle, hamaca, GetReal, AZ & Gordon every time that we talk about the Rombots...because I have repeatedly said that you and the others that I mentioned above aren't Rombots. Rombots are like the people that Jersey talked about in his reply...which I don't consider you or the others that I mentioned. I guess I should include this when I sign my name so I don't hurt your feelings.

    I can remember a few months ago when Daniels decided not to run that you were "whining" for weeks about how much Romney sucked and he wouldn't win. In fact, I have been far kinder to Romney than you have been but I won't hold it against you...so why don't you just relax.


    * Just to be clear....not talking about DanL, hamaca, GetReal, AZ, Noelle & Gordon when I make statements about Rombots.

  35. Just wanted to make clear for DanL that I was not talking about him, hamaca, GetReal, AZ, Noelle & Gordon when I make statements about Rombots.


    * Just to be clear....not talking about DanL, hamaca, GetReal, AZ, Noelle & Gordon when I make statements about Rombots.

  36. AJR, Bosman should add that as an option before we post...

    From now on we should just post ROMBOT DISCLAIMER...that way Dan will realize we are not referring to him.

    In reality what they don't understand is that I don't like writing Rombot...just like I didn't like being called a Palinite or a Palinista...I prefer supporter. So, by typing Romney supporter I am giving all of the Rombots a little respect by not using silly names.

    I guess I'll go back to Rombot and those that are one will know that I am referring to them...


  37. Hell...AJR is technically now a Romney supporter yet he didn't get offended and yet he still gets reprimanded by other Romney supporters...



  38. Jersey,

    I know. Maybe I should have included my name in the list of exemptions because I am not a Rombot nor was I a Palinista/Palinite. I was always a Palin supporter or a Romney supporter. I really don't feel too welcome in the Romney camp.....maybe because I'm not a Rombot (see disclaimer below). I don't want to savagely attack anyone who isn't Romney, I am aware that Romney isn't perfect and I don't treat other candidates supporters like pieces of crap.

    Once again...please check the disclaimer below my name before I get attacked by my fellow Romney supporters/Rombot droids. I may not be talking about you.


    * Just to be clear....not talking about DanL, hamaca, GetReal, AZ, Noelle and Gordon when I make statements about Rombots.

  39. AJR - but Romney is perfect...

  40. Let me try to address some criticism here.

    1. I am not a Rombot. Previous to this post, I spent two posts blasting (sort of) Romney on immigration. I actually think Jon Huntsman would make a great president, but he has no chance of winning a Republican primary. If Romney loses, I will still sleep the same amount of hours a night.

    2. On my condescension. I have trouble sometimes responding to this. I am very open minded and I really try to listen to people. However, Greta's comments are clearly wrong. If the elections were held today, Newt would lose badly and Romney would be in a close race with Obama. That is not up for debate. And the reason why it is not up for debate is because there is a mound of empirical evidence that overwhelmingly proves it. So, yes, I do condescend to the Fox News audience because they are more likely to believe things that clearly aren't true. It doesn't mean that I am smarter than them. It does mean that in the realm of some political issues, the Fox News viewer is misinformed. Anybody who is confused as to why Obama is attacking Romney and not Gingrich is misinformed. I am sorry if that is offensive, but it is the truth. And I just don't think it is helpful for anyone to avoid calling it what it is.

  41. Pablo, I just wanted to make one thing clear...I didn't specifically call you a Rombot...I was referring to some of the comments made by Rombots.

  42. That last one was me. Sorry.

