Tuesday, January 25, 2011

President Obama SOTU: LIVE FEED 9:00 PM EST

I will have a live feed here tonight of the President's SOTU Address. It will begin on THIS POST at 9:00 P.M. EST for those of you who would like to watch, critique, and comment:

After the speech:

To WATCH LIVE Paul Ryan give the Republican's response and Michelle Bachmann give the Tea Party response, RIGHT CLICK The photo below and choose, "Open Link in New Window".


  1. I am not watching this non-sense tonight; (it is past my bed-time) the GOP should be ashamed of itself for sitting with the Democrats after Tucson. And then the establishment wonders why we want a THIRD Party. LOOK IN THE MIRROR!

  2. I'll watch it here. I like situation comedies.

  3. Thanks for broadcasting the Capitol Hill Prom tonight. I wonder who will be Prom King and Queen. I sure am glad we elected these Republicans to get along (a.k.a. be spineless wimps) with the Democrats who despise them. I really hope this is not a sign of things to come.


  4. Sorry, but I really have a hard time listening to Obama when I know he stretches the truth to serve his own purpose.

    Lucky for me, I need to attend two of my children's events tonight. I will get home just in time to listen to Paul Ryan.

  5. Sitting with democrats?! Oh the horror!


  6. Martha,

    I didn't go to the voting booth so Republicans can make nice and be friends with people who despise us. I voted for them to STOP them from enacting their agenda. The problem with some Establishment types is that they want to be friends with Liberals and look good to the Media instead of fighting for what we elected them for.

    Guess what? Democrats don't want to be friends with us. They talk about civility but call us Nazis. If we disagree with Obama we are un-patriotic racists. I have had enough of spineless Republicans who roll over and take it instead of standing up to these people.

    All this talk of sitting together is just so it will appear that there is not a lot less Democrats than there were in Congress last year.


  7. AJR - Sorry, I just can't muster up a lot of outrage for a Republican sitting next to a Democrat.


  8. I couldn’t watch Obama, but most say Ryan was better than Obama. I liked Bachmann’s speech too. I know Palin supports Ryan’s financial plan, but can the GOP and the TPM work as a team and support the same candidate? I hope so. I think we have to to win.

  9. It set a bad tone Martha, by being willing to sit with Democrats, the GOP illustrates once again that it has no back-bone and that they are a bunch of sissies.

  10. The Dems won that PR battle because they knew that Republicans would appear petty and look as if they didn't want to work together for the common good of the country by not following this small gesture. The Republicans didn't want to call their bluff. The fact is that AJR and OJ are exactly right. The Dems didn't want to look so small in the crowd and they didn't want there to be so many people in one large group that didn't applaud for the President.

    The sad thing, is that Republicans don't realize that they look just as petty now...if not more, because now you have a happy Democrat standing up and applauding while a Republican sits next to him/her looking all pissy faced.

    That image will look great on the cover of the New York Times.

