Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mitt Romney on the Sean Hannity Show (01-26-11 Videos)

Mitt Romney comments on President Obama's State of the Union address and other issues.

Part 1:

Part 2:


  1. Great Interview.

    Mitt is so Presidential and it's clear he has President Obama's number.

    Romney in 2012!

  2. hes such a handsome man....we need to vote for someone who will be easy on the eyes for the next 4years.....jenny


  4. Thanks for posting these, Bosman. Good stuff.


  5. I liked when he stifled the laugh when discussing
    Obama's lack of economic education.

  6. Well, at least he had the courage to come on a network that his supporters hate.

  7. Good one RW! What is he going to do next? Haha, turn his back on TARP or something?

  8. Romney looked and sounded great. I wish each time a potential candidate is interviewed they would not ask about if they are going to run. They will announce when they want to, and that question, since the answer is already known, is a waste of precious time. Let them talk about policy.

  9. OJ, Well, we've been told over and over that Mitt doesn't need Fox. Some have gone as far as to suggest he avoid Fox altogether.

    Speaking of Fox, I think MRC needs to rally the troops again, because Palin has a 38,000 vote lead in the '12 for 12' poll. It's still on Brett Baier's page. I wonder if Fox will report the results? Should we do another poll?

  10. RWN and OJ,

    Isn't good that he is smarter than some of his supporters?

    Luckily, that can be said for just about all the 2012 hopefuls.

  11. RWN - You are a good spin-miester, still clinging to the 12 for 12 poll story. If you are suggesting Palin supporters don't astro turf these types of polls, you truly might be a "nut."

  12. Regarding appearing on Fox, Romney can be selective and can appear on any network, friendly or otherwise, at his choosing.

    Others, for whom Fox IS their only safe haven, can't or won't do the same. (Controlled book promo interviews don't count. ;0 )

  13. I thought Mitt did very well. I think we saw the core message of his future campaign, which is that "bless his heart, President Obama just doesn't know what he is doing." I think Mitt will hit President Obama like he's just a kid who's in over his head.

    As to Romney appearing on Fox, he has regularly appeared on Hannity and O'Reilly. Not only that, he's been brave enough to venture out into unfriendlier waters as well. That can't be said about all the potential candidates.

  14. Romney clearly frustrated that America's jobless continue to suffer because Obama hasn't a clue what to do about it. Romney knows exactly what needs to be done. Most of it, Obama couldn't bring himself to do it even if he knew how.

    Romney will make a great president. He was presidential, competent, and clear. No waffling or hesitation. Forthright and eloquent. Its a glimpse of what we can expect from a president after 2012.


  15. I can't wait to campaign for Mitt!


  16. Doug, I loved that line about Obama not knowing what he's doing from his interview and his written statement as well, a humorous take on calling Obama incompetent. Mitt is certainly in a position to say that. I like that he's keeping his powder dry but I love when he comes out swinging. It's also an effective mode of attack because it's not saying Obama's evil, which would be "uncivil", just that he's stupid :)


  17. Obama really is out of his league, when you compare him to Romney on the economy.

  18. Great interview from our next POTUS.

  19. With the national debt at $14.02 trillion and Obamacare adding another couple of trillion to that while we are dealing with the deepest economic downturn since the 1930s, 9 to 19% unemployment and triple-deficit spending that if we are to survive, can only create the highest tax increases in history on our 80% inflated dollar, a result of a Congress which refuses to form, approve, much less conform, to a budget, can't wait to vote for someone like Romney who can add and subtract.
